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Thread: Everybody has a Guardian Angel

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeldaFitz View Post
    it is all metaphors, and all within.

    For you yourself are the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory.

  2. #12
    ZeldaFitz Guest


    Yes and yes, and your soul can not be stolen or devoured.

  3. #13
    ZeldaFitz Guest


    Tolka it does not work like that, you will only see your Angel in times of stress or need, and they do not come in Angel form in the physical, they will come in a human form, but you will see them in the astral. A guardian angel is appointed at birth and stays with you forever whether you believe or not. It is not the same as the Arch Angels, totally different subject.

  4. #14
    ZeldaFitz Guest


    I should also state that I have had quite a bit of encounters with Angels that come in human form, in many ways. I could write a book about it. The Higher self is your guardian angel and could be construed as such, but then it means your higher self leaves your body and assumes a human form, to show up and then disappear, and that would mean we were capable of manifesting a totally separate form which is not possible.They are not the same as a spirit guide.

  5. #15
    ZeldaFitz Guest


    Angeress was talking about guardian Angels appointed at birth, which most spiritual people believe, children call them imaginary playmates, and others make the mistake thinking they are guides. A guide also shows up at birth but there will be many guides through out your life as you change, a Guardian Angel is considered an an Angel from God or Heaven, ans stays with you till you die , a non believer will call it coincidence, a CM will call them the higher self, although the Arch Angels are called on in rituals, a Theosophist will call them the voice or God within, but I digress. Angeress is talking about a Guardian Angel or Angel Guardian that is given to us at birth have you not ever had something happened to you in terrible times where a person has shown up and disappeared after aiding or offering comfort? This is the Guardian Angel she is talking about. The higher self is the pure enlightened part of us that we try desperately to connect to in order to ascend to a higher level, the guardian angel is a separate entity, so this is why people will mistake the higher self with a guardian angel as rituals connect the two, but the word is wrong, it should not be confused with the birth appointed guardian angel. I am a oxymoron, I may believe there is no personal God, but I do believe and have come into contact with Angels, in my case I do not believe they come from the Christian God. I need coffee, and I will probably take some time off and not interject any more of my thoughts.
    Last edited by ZeldaFitz; 01-24-2010 at 09:28 AM.

  6. #16
    Belphebe Guest


    My Aunt and I were driving to the market, and a car crossed the line and came right at us, my Aunt could not swerve, but our car was lifted up by an unseen hand, and pushed out of the way. We both saw a tall figure in white. My Aunt said it was an Angel. Zelda if you do not believe in a personal God, where do you think they come from or do you think they always were here?

    Guardian angel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  7. #17
    ZeldaFitz Guest


    I believe in a divine power but having said that, I believe we created this divine power and the Angels who were always around were manifested from our subconscious, we actually conjured these guardian Angels before we were born,we tapped into the energy field of the Angels. I have to go, had an accident with my computer and am using my friend's but time is up.

  8. #18
    crowley666 Guest


    I agree entirely. zeldas got on her hookshot boomerrang brain drain.

  9. #19
    ZeldaFitz Guest


    yes i do. lol.

  10. #20
    crowley666 Guest


    zelda my holy guarding angel came to me as a human but not in the astral as you stated. I really think I'm unique to have figured so much on my own with out guidance. do you know any other cases where a person met an angel in the material world directally? nevermind, I think i got this figured out now.haha.good to be an adept.
    Last edited by crowley666; 01-25-2010 at 07:33 PM.

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