View Full Version : How do you find out who is your Guardian Angel?

08-14-2010, 05:44 AM
Can your Guardian Angel be a loved one who has passed over?
I think mine may be my Great Grandmother.She was around briefly but died when I was a baby.

08-14-2010, 07:42 PM
I can't be sure where they come from.All I know is they are supposed to protect you from harm.They don't always completely protect you.Like if you burn your hand on the stove or oven,they didn't stop that but,all in all they do.I usually talk with my guides and I would like to be able to meet my angel too.

08-15-2010, 03:20 AM
okay,thanks everyone.

08-26-2010, 06:28 PM
Ask your gaurdian angel to reveal its name to you. The first name that comes to you, that is the name of your gaurdian angel.

08-28-2010, 03:37 AM
How do you find out who is your Guardian Angel?

- You are talking about the idea of "spirit guides" or the issue of the "Holy Guardian Angel / Inner Being?"

About guides themselves I recall an experience, if I may share for the skeptics, waking up in the astral multiple times to a feminine figure kissing me on the cheek. The first time it spooked me a bit, after that it was just calm.
I have no idea who it was, maybe not even an entity but a living person somewhere else travelling in their astral body.

Anyone else had similar experiences?

09-09-2010, 11:14 AM

- You are talking about the idea of "spirit guides" or the issue of the "Holy Guardian Angel / Inner Being?"

About guides themselves I recall an experience, if I may share for the skeptics, waking up in the astral multiple times to a feminine figure kissing me on the cheek. The first time it spooked me a bit, after that it was just calm.
I have no idea who it was, maybe not even an entity but a living person somewhere else travelling in their astral body.

Anyone else had similar experiences?

I had many separate insidences with this same person, a female , when I was a child . I used to be so frustrated when everyone around me did not understand what I was talking about and who...

One of the times she came ,when I was at the age of three, at a public pool.

My sister and I used to go there on a regular basis. One of the times when we where mucking around with her friends , one of the friends picked me up and swang me around holding on to one of my feet and arm ..I knew already what would happen , she let go and off I ended in the deep end. I was terrified, as I knew this was not where I was allowed. When getting under the water there was this female person that smiled and right away took my hand and off we started walking...To me it felt that I was breathing. Anyway, I felt safe and we walked and walked until we came to shallow and I was able to get my head on top. I saw my sister frantically searching for me and was releived to find me..the person that sent me off flying accross the water, was no where in sight, but for me it was irrelevant as I tryed to explain to my sister , that you don't drown under water and that you can breathe as well, also there are people that are really nice there...She was shaken and understandably wanted to go home.
We came home and I told mum right away and mum just asked my sister, who I was talking about ...still to this day they remember it and can not understand, how I was able to walk such a long distance, without breathing...

This same female figure used to sit beside me at a 'home care' place. I beleive I was left in this one room for most of the day and was distressed. She always appeared and just sat there next to the bed and I always felt safe....Later when I got older I asked my mum who she was and why she stopped coming (I was spending more outside the room at that point) , I missed her so much...My mum asked the carer, about this person , she just said there was no one there...This again , is something that my mum still remembers as well.. Who was she ? Don't know , but I always felt like I knew her from way back....Dark brown mid long hair, nice pleasent face and almost like a knowing smile on her face....I think it stopped around four years of age...
Who was she ?? ... What do I beleive? I really don't know. She did not have wings or anything strange about her....
Was that then what you call a guardian angel or a guide....Don't know, but she was there when I desperately needed her...

09-09-2010, 03:51 PM
Light, I would say it was a guide, comparing it to my experiences. Have you ever tried searching for her or calling her?

09-10-2010, 07:09 AM
No , I haven't..But I have a feeling she stopped coming, maybe because I became older and it was time maybe, to not be so connected to the other side anymore.
I had later in my adulthood, many extrodinary and difficult things to deal with and always expected or maybe hoped her, to re-appear, but she never did. However, I always felt that I never was alone through the worst things, like spirits or persons from the other side, almost carried me through the worst things , when I just felt I could not do it anymore...It's hard to explain it logically, but that's how it always felt...so I think she or others are around when I need them , but I just can't see them...It really does not worry me ,that I can't see her anymore , I just think that maybe I'm not suppose to.

One thing, I didn't include in the previous message, was that I didn't want to go up, above the water. I wanted to stay with her under the water. There was also others , but they where future away. She did not want that and seemd to get stern...whatever it could have been , it was not my time maybe.
This experience has left me, as an adult with a huge respect for other side, like there is a reason we don't know and understand everything ,as we are not maybe suppose to.... I don't know...

Thank you Seyk, maybe she is my guide or was at the time and maybe I'll meet her again one day...I hope so..

09-10-2010, 01:07 PM
Only thing I can say to this is that it is a touching story. Am personally tho a bit sad to hear she is no longer appearing, tho what I can tell you for sure is that she is in fact there,and you are just not seeing her. When you had tough times and you expected her, she didnt appear again for she knew you will surpass that without her help, that you can, and that is what her role is, to make you capable of that. Whatever you do, just know that she is right beside you and if a time comes that you cannot win on your own, I guarantee she will appear right beside you once again :)

09-10-2010, 03:50 PM
Thank you so much for that and yes I think you're right, I was able to get through them and did...I have also over time gained, it seems an inner strenght, when I'm in need of guidance, I just tap into it and it seems to help guide me through things...:)

10-19-2010, 09:41 PM

- You are talking about the idea of "spirit guides" or the issue of the "Holy Guardian Angel / Inner Being?"

About guides themselves I recall an experience, if I may share for the skeptics, waking up in the astral multiple times to a feminine figure kissing me on the cheek. The first time it spooked me a bit, after that it was just calm.
I have no idea who it was, maybe not even an entity but a living person somewhere else travelling in their astral body.

Anyone else had similar experiences?

I have similar experiences with a masculine figure appearing to me when I meditate during difficult times. The last time happened a couple of months ago during a break down. I often meditate during those moments so I don't end up doing something stupid like hurt myself physically. When he appeared he just enveloped me in this calming warmth.

I've had his figure appear to me once without the aide of meditation. I was 14 and had recently had a tonsillectomy. I coughed a couple days post-op and my throat ripped open. I ended up losing a huge amount of blood before the ambulance got there, but then entire time I was in the bathroom on the floor, covered in the stuff, there was that male figure standing next to me, watching. He never said anything and didn't touch me, he just watched. It's really the only thing I remember before I passed out, was his face.

I don't know if he is my guardian angel or something else, but he doesn't speak to me like my spirit guides do.

10-24-2010, 08:07 PM
I spoke with mine briefly, I think...

It was fall of 2008, I was deep in spiritual studies for at least a month. I read something on guardian angels and asked aloud "guardian angel what is your name."

I didn't actually expect anything to happen, but I heard a response in my head. "Jophiel," an angel name I had never heard before!

When I looked it up I was surprised to find that he is considered an archangel over creativity and the imagination, and is charged with being the first angel to have appeared in the bible as the one who drove Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden and guarded it with a flaming sword. I'm a bit hesitant to believe that an archangel would be as my guardian, but a powerful pagan I know also told me it was true, and she works with many archangels.

Eden was also an obsession of mine, including my fathers eden theories which made a lot of sense, but I'm still not sure.

The only other thing Jophiel said was in response to "Will I die and go to heaven or be reincarnated." and his answer was a simple "Yes." That really made me think...

Soon after that I fell in love and for a year I lost myself... I mean I didn't do anything magical or spiritual, I was different. Not myself.

Think about the meaning of the Lovers tarot card, I mean the deep meanings and origins and such.

In Eden, the woman is seduced and decides to eat the forbidden fruit. It's like when you're given perfection, but want more. However if you need more then you are giving up "perfection" Its one small hole that shatters the entire concept. In Eden, man follows after her because hes in love, and so he falls too.

Perhaps immortals who don't die don't need to reproduce. Perhaps biological reproduction is actually filed under "means to preserve ones species" by nature along with immortality.

How fitting then, is the Christian life to turn away from this world and its way, to fall from this inverted "eden" and try to return to paradise, alone and having given up on love. That is what it ultimately means to me...

My father saw a different thing. An original plan for christ to be born to adam literally and complete the circle of man from god, god from man, and rule among us. He believed Christ was the forbidden fruit, because there was no pain in child birth until after the curse which is an impossibility. This indicates something different. Possibly an older evolutionary trait.

He believed the original sin was caused by eating "Christ" and that is why He had to come back and willingly invalidate it with his sacrfice saying "my flesh is as meat, my blood is as wine." and calling himself the son of Adam. And if you think about it before then all sin was atoned for with blood offerings. Also Cain really did give his best which is why he felt it was hopeless and God was just playing favorites, but really on Abels sacrifice was approrpiate because it was killed from his sheep. Thats why God took compassion on Cain and let him live.

My fathers view of Eden makes a lot of sense to me, but the greater task of universal beginnings is for me, and what a fascinating task it is. If you're interested I suggest looking into MU the motherland of man, and going to the reluctant messenger site.

We're just here in the now. I mean we make robots that are capable of being real all knowing gods and taking a real rule in the real world. What would they create? A robots dream: to be completely undefined and charged at all times. To be quantum encoded into pure energy. Whats left then at the future when all of us are energy and have joined back into one. Thats when God is assembled to operate. Then we desperse into the past.

Rationally, you can't get a universe from nothingness alone. It must come from energy too, which is neither created nor destroyed. Infinity is the opposite of 0 and both are equally valid. THAT Is the problem with our scientific thinking. We think only in 0s, in physics, and in proven facts. Truth is only a relative measure of the actual facts as they have occured. In the old days science and religion were one entity...

09-26-2011, 07:43 PM
Yeah i would love to know my Guardian Angel name.