arachne and orphicus, as well as the perhaps two other ether signs , like all signs and sabbats, are related directly to the growing season. If arachne is the earth's plan for the year before it unfolds, like it was making a plan, orphicus is when everything is totally done growing, and all the leaves done falling, the time in entrance to the dead of winter, why it is ruled by pluto, very hadean. if there are two others, they would be in the time of leo, the height of the growing season, and in aquarius, when the ground begins to thaw. these other two ether signs serve as a counterbalance while the other two are more like end hubs, like you said .
I have seen a thousand thousand civilizations rise and fall upon the Mother of All Things. As pipes play, echoing off the mountains and across the Ocean, until it fades at the edge of time, the end of All... - book of the gate called pan