i need help, demon posession- i need help, demon posession-
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Thread: i need help, demon posession-

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    Default i need help, demon posession-

    i dont know what to do. i made a post over in the demons section and then a while before that on my old user name, i forgot the password

    my sister is posessed by demons and also possibly by the devil himself at times.i am a religous person so my belief is that there is evildemons and satan who harm people.

    i am not pagan or wiccan, i have never studied witchcraft

    i have never done any spells or anything

    my sister is definately posessed by some strong and very ancient demons. i am 100 percent sure of this and she has harmed me in terrible ways. my sister loves me and would never harm me like this. there is some demon entity that is harming me, she has beaten me and done other odd and scary things to me

    one thing that is the weirdest is that her eyes glow a florescent white glow and it hurts my eyes. if i see the light
    i felt like some vacuum from it. i have seen eyes glow on an animal before but not human. ive seen cats and racoon eyes glow at night in person, through a window or up close with cats and its the same thing, same idea i see. but my sister eyes glow much stronger and a sharper glow.
    i feel stupid even saying it cause we all know scientifically its impossible for human eyes to glow. but i saw it more then once, a bunch of time

    i was also attacked by a ghost in my home as she held a gaze on me, maybe it 3wasnt a ghost maybe my sister had some powers where she can drag me backwards and shove me to the floor. it felt like it was coming from her but she didnt physically touch me she just squinted her eyes oddly and concentrated hard on me with an evil look on her face when she did it, she held a gaze on me the entire time. it was either her or some invisible force but she was right there at the door threshold staring at me in this odd transe like way with an evil look on her face.
    she didnt even ask what happened, she told me she knew what happened and that she made this happen to me.
    i was lifted off the ground almost an inche, my feet slid backwards and i was knocked over on the floor. all against my will. it was some force
    as if some tall 8 foot tall man grabbed me and dragged me backwards and pushed me to the floor

    theres more details of what was happening but those are the scariest things out of all

    i imed zelda fitz in the other forums at otherkin and no one got back to me there yet. she didnt get back to me. but ill wait but its been more then a week i think

    and the situation is really getting bad. i miss being able to feel safe around my sister.her old personailty vanished. its not her. i am so terrified ive been hiding out in the basement of the home the last 3 days on the computer,theres a basement office with computer and desk and phones. im afraid to go upstairs except to sleep or get food.
    i dont even know what to do. i want to protect myself but i dont know what to do.
    what keeps these demons away. i dont want to end up being zapped into hell tomorow or anything by this creature whatever it wants to be called.
    it tells me it wants to take my soul and trap me.
    it had me fooled tho for a while with me thinking it was my sister who went through an abrupt severe personality change or terrible manic life phase untill she started naming my deepest untold secrets outloud,didnt know my middle name or age till i had to retell her,she started naming details of dreams and nightmares i had at night, deep personal thoughts of mine and word by word of conversations i have with people she dosnt know when shes an hour away from me.
    and then the glowing eyes thing and when her eyes turned black for a minute. she does face distortions and her voice is so different. she does the oddest thing with her eyes. it dosnt look human at times
    she started chanting things and saying demon and being repulsed by god and his will and talking usually is demonic ways and developed fluid understanding of the latin language overnight with no language classes in any foreign language. she also claims to be a male, theres so much going on.i would have to explaina all the details

    she has done so many odd things i think the only thing left for this thing to do is to levitate ,fly or glow in the dark. it hasnt done any of that yet

    she is doing things to harm me, this thing said it wants to ruin my life and gods will for me. alot has been done to me.
    this is the demon speaking,its not my sister at all

    i dont know what measures i can take to keep safe

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    also something happened to my eyes after her eyes first glowed. my eyes lost something,i look expressionless now, like a dull type of look. i used to have more expression on my eyes and look more "there". hard to explain
    like the emotional expression eyes have when dealing with a certain thing. like lets say your visiting a friend whos sick and dying and your looking over their hospital bed with a certain look. or like your 4 year old daughter almost drowned and someone saved her and the expression you would have as you see her running back to you after being saved
    i really cant explain but i do notice this
    but its really subtle, i dont look odd. most people who dont know me well wouldnt notice. but its freaky

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    Holy water. Splash a bit on her.
    Make a devils trap and have her step in it.
    Then exorcise that dick.

    If you have a weapon effective against demons you might want to employ that.
    Don't use it on her though, you would kill your sister too.
    But sometimes you can scare the demon out of her.

    Make sure it doesn't just jump into you when it leaves!
    Big noobie mistake, easy to avoid.

    If you want this to be over, don't listen to anything it says.
    Anything. Demons are all masters of rhetoric.

    Although, there may be a good reason why she is possessed. Maybe she wanted it? Who knows. Sounds like it just wants to kill you anyways, you sister is probably just a puppet.

    Hook your room up with seals and talismans. The four arch angels will be able to handle this guy. Draw their seals on your walls in their respective direction north south east west.

    And why the hell aren't you documenting this? I mean come on. A real case of demonic possession and you are just farting around crying about it? It's big news. Take pictures, movies, sound recordings, physical evidence, whatever. Take notes!!

    Good luck. Let us know how the devil traps and stuff works out.
    Don't talk to familiars

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    I don't know what to say. If you keep detaling and if you don't take any measures, people will think that you are a good storyteller.
    Think again.

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    ive taken some measures, but im really the last person in the world who should be faced with this. 2 years ago i didnt even want to believe demons exhisted. i have no training and barely any of the knowledge a person who truly wants to fight a demon needs to know. i only know the basic stuff i found on google which is barely anything

    i emailed zelda fitz but she never got back to me, i called 2 rabbis and their secretarys answers and they didnt get back to me yet and its been weeks and i kept leaving messaged. i got the guts to walk into a church,im jewish so a church is a big no no and a scary thing. jews arent supposed to walk into churches. i walked in there dared myself to get the holy water. some leaked onto me on the way home and it burned me, i felt terrible and this awful feel overpowered me when i was holding the water bottle with it and when it spilled. i felt sick for 3 days after that. either it was anxiety from trying to be a good jew and feeling guilt for holding this holy water. or it meant something and the holy water had some negatvie affect on me. maybe im somewhat opressed by demons or i myself have a demon following me and dont realize it. i dont know why the water would burn me out of all people.
    i brought the holy water into the home, sprinkled some on her doorway when she was sleeping in her room and then i couldnt take the burning and terrible feeling in my stomache anymore so i tossed the rest of the water outside and it did relieve the sick feeling i had. i stopped feeling sick a few days after tossing the water away.
    why did it burn me. i dont know

    i talked to some psychic person over the phone and they said i need to find a psychic to meet with in person and i tried but couldnt find anyone who sounded legitimate

    also whats been very strange is that over the last few weeks i cannot sleep at night. i stay up till like 7am and then doze off during the day every time i wake up its 4 or 5 pm already anf ive been feeling sick for weeks. so anyone avaialable to contact is not normaly able to answer their phone in that time.
    ive had this odd lack of willpower to help myself too.

    i need to do more

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    Who knows why the water burned you. If it hurts you don't use it, but don't really question it at this point.

    And for the love of God don't get all bent out of shape over religion. Would your Jew God really get mad for you saving your sisters life from a demon he made by going into a building that someone who worships basically the same God? Why hasn't he helped you out anyways? Hmmm

    Finding a psychic would probably help. But with so many fakers and cons out there it's a tough road. Rabbi's are not likely to do exorcisms they just don't put much stock in it. Now Catholic priests will do such a thing but they have to get the approval of their superiors which takes time if it ever happens.

    Find a witch or a wizard in your town, they would probably do the best. Usually they would be happy to help and will do a better job at it than religious priests.

    Where are your parents in all this? Have they not noticed any of these amazing events?

    Are you documenting everything very well? Snap some pics of your sis in demon mode and send them to us here we might be able to work something from this end.

    Did you protect your room and your person? If not, do it. Remove any of its influence from yourself first, fortify your position and then you can attack when you are at full strength and in a tactical place.

    Good luck and keep us posted.
    Don't talk to familiars

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    You should find a witch, a shaman or something.
    If I would be you, i would have tried to meditate and practice some shielding.
    Use your subconscious. I think this is the key to everythink. Try to have some influence in your destiny, try yo alter it.
    Don't let other energies to affect your life. Every way of strengthening your energy could be efficient. Self trust is the key.
    And if the thing with a witch or something won't work, I think there is one option left...It could be hard to take, but as long as the Rituale Romanum works fine...You can change your faith in Catholic belifes, and contact the catholic curch.
    Think again.

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    why is this happening to you and your sister? what is the demon after? Have you asked? Ask your sister an she might know if she thinks hard. dont think it is like in films and the bible. I dont think holy water will work but strong belief might and you are using beliefs you dont have.

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    Default Advice for a newbie

    Hi Fish

    It sounds like you're a newbie. Not sure how much of the existing advice has made sense.

    I recommend reading Dion Fortune's Psychic Self Defence. Unfortunately, it has very little practical advice. However, it does describe cases similar to what you are going through. Magic (and harm from demons) is all about belief. This demon is getting stronger from your fear - they feed on it. If you can appreciate that this kind of thing happens, and has been solved by others, it will boost your belief in yourself.

    If you're Jewish, your best bet is to go with Qabalistic stuff (some of which will sound Christian, but Qabalists consider Christ as a force or a tool, not their God - big difference).

    I would start by performing the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram in your bedroom (or wherever you want to feel safe) - hopefully you can lock your door, and will not be heard by your sister during the ritual. Best to do this in the same room you sleep in so you can get a decent night's sleep.

    This starts with the Qabalistic Cross (I'd recommend the first version on this page, not the second). If the entire LBRP is a lot to remember to begin with, perform the QC a few times first. Excuse the archaic terminology, but this ritual basically brings God (or your guardian) down into your heart and helps balance you. It will be like whistling for help and having some medicine for your own ailments.

    Once you're ready to do the entire LBRP, you are calling on the elemental Arch Angels for help - ie the big guns. It will also help you understand the elements, which are a key aspect to any magic.

    I recommend doing this once a day, no matter what else you try. It will make everything else go smoother, and will probably lead to another more direct solution manifesting itself.

    For added effect, you could draw the archangels, and put them up like posters in your room at the cardinal directions (E,S,W,N) - although this might draw your sisters' attention.

    As has already been said, seek out local face to face help. There is probably a wiccan coven nearby. Again, it's not your faith, but they tend to be more public and welcoming of strangers than some other orders. They also tend to have a feminine vibe, which might suit the sister issue. Or even just someone who can do energy healing on yourself to help you sleep and boost your strength (eg reiki healer).

    Ok, that's the basics. None of that tackles the actual problem at hand.

    You need to diagnose the problem.

    Why is your sister possessed? Is she hanging around a weird crowd? Is she acting normal for everyone else? Are there any times you could talk to her when she's not possessed?

    Pay attention to the time of day she is possessed, and when she attacks you. Is it only when other people are out of the house? Only at night?

    What is the demon's name? This will be a big help. Even if you can't understand the language, is there anything she repeats a lot?

    Find out as much as you can about why it's possessed your sister; what it wants; what it is etc.

    Hope that helps.
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    Default Rose Cross and protective symbols

    You can also try the Rose Cross (I left it out of the other post, since I've never performed it and it might seem too Christian for you). The difference between it and the LBRP is described in the intro for the ritual.

    All this is well and good while your sister is not around, but if you actually get attacked again, you should be ready to protect yourself. This could be done by tracing protective symbols in the air, or showing the demon a symbol. Think of the exorcist wielding the crucifix.

    If you use the crucifix, trace it in the air at the demon. Trace the vertical line first, starting above your sister's head down to her feet, then the horizontal line from your left to right (ie her right to her left) shoulders.

    An alternative to the crucifix is the Star of David (which I'm sure you're familiar with). A fluid way to trace this with one motion is the unicersal hexagram.

    Trace it with your index finger from the top point down to your right. It's all one line, so just keep tracing until you're back to the top. This is tricky at first, so if you choose to use it, get some practice first. If you doubt yourself half way through an attack, it won't do you much good.

    A suggestion - while you do this, you should vibrate a special word. Is there some word that your sister would recognise? Think about fights you had when you were younger - kids usually have some word that really sets them off, or makes them laugh. If you say this in a deep, vibratory tone to her while tracing the hexagram, it might slap her awake a bit, and weaken the demon's control.

    Just an idea.
    It's neither either nor or,
    It's either both or neither.

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