if i miss spell for give me,i have been seeing a few golden dawn online initiation class's i have been tempted to join them but have rejected them,i live in a city with a million people or more but kno lodges so if u have a lodge your blessed if your serious about the occult,i just think that online teachings from an occultic, ceremonial view such as the golden dawn would give little if any helpful information that the student could not obtain on his own considering this is the information age.i just think that to git the most out of those teachings it must be exspirenced in the flesh and not online.....and the reason why i say that is because "ISREAL REGARDIE" and our good buddy "ALIESTER CROWLEY 666" they both thought or wonted out rightly to do away with the elemental grades for the solo practioner for self initiation.isreal regardie stated all every 1 needed kno when he said(their is one student that iam thinking of and this student has proformed the watchtower ritual 50 to 60 times there for i consider her initiated.)now the reason he considerd her initiated is because by proforming the operation the practioner is embedding those symbols into ones aura on the astral those beings and spirits wont look at the wizard as alien but as a spiritual helper states regardie.