Hi all
some thoughts I had when meditating on the Colours in the Queen scale:
the colour PURPLE for Luna seems to be 'wrong'. I could feel that and in some books I consider very important like Bardon and the Greater Key Of Solomon the colours are given thus:
- Moon: white
- Mercury: orange
- Venus: green
- Sun: yellow
- Mars: red
- Jupiter: blue
- Saturn: black or purple
As you can see, those colours match the Queen scale with the exception of 9: the Sephirah Yesod. You can "check" the validity of those colours if you consider the Zodiac and apply those colours to each sign ruled by the named planet (Aries: red, Taurus: green, Gemini: orange, Cancer: white, Leo: yellow and so on).
If you do this you see that each opposite sign displays the correct complementary colour (like used in flashing images)!!!!
Gemini: orange (Mercury) <--> Sagittarius: blue (Jupiter)
Cancer: white (Moon) <--> Capricorn: black (Saturn)
Leo: yellow (Sun) <--> Aquarius: purple (Saturn)
but only if you take the colours from GKOS!
I think this is very important and I don't understand how it could be missed by authors on this subject.
What do you think?