I've been looking, with an excessive amount of determination and frustration i might add, for Aztec items (even replicas) for My altar. The amount available isn't just scant for specific gods, it's just very scant. In fact, finding Mesoamerican items that are "authentic" at all seems extremely difficult (I have ordered the nahualli oracle tarot deck and accompanying book though, seems nice but I'll reserve judgement for when I actually have it). With even the internet failing to give me what i seek, i figured I should condense My search in a place full of people who are interested and experienced in this sort of thing, and so here I am. Can anyone share with me some advice pertaining to the adornment of an Aztec altar? Or even their own experiences dealing with the Aztec gods? (Tezcatlipoca will be dominating this altar, should that have any effect)
By the way I'm sorry if this isn't in the correct thread, I checked ancient magick/mythology with no mesoamerican thread to be seen. That scantness again, no doubt.