Chaos magick for social change Chaos magick for social change
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Thread: Chaos magick for social change

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    Default Chaos magick for social change

    I found this article and am somewhat intrigued with this idea of using magick to promote social change. I must preface this by saying that I don't advocate the wholesale killing of innocent people to further a cause like he does. I think that the same goals can be done and harm none. Some may say that things like doing things to make people expose their wrong doing is harmful but I see that as more like killing in self defense. Here is the link and I will hit the high points for those that don't want to wade all the way through it because it is vary long.
    Psionic Terrorism

    This guy is using a form of chaos majick with an amplification device to change the attitude of groups of people and thus change society. I like the fact that somebody is talking about fighting back against government, governance, and institutions that are taking away our freedoms, rights, liberties, and privileges. The other thing that intrigues me is the device he is using that seems crazy at first glance but I can see an electronic principal that it could work on. I have spent most of my electronic and radio to make a living and the last part of it on things that are not suppose to exist so I have more than an average jo's experience with this stuff. I will not discuss the construction, or use of such a device on a public forum because it is specifically a crime under the US patriot act to construct, possess, or use a device that amplifies your brain waves whether electronic, mechanical, or chemical. Please take note moderators and remove any such posts.

    So, why post this if I don't want to talk about building one of those devices, because the things in there about targeting specific things like schools and police departments, and political candidates. Key words that can lead children in the schools to information on deceptions that have been hammered into them such as "faults flag attack" or "fiat currency" can be used. Workings that target institutions to trip them up and expose their illegal activities would also be vary useful. On the political side, most of the candidates that are not in the main parties are never given any exposure and people think they are throwing away their votes if they vote for them. I would say if we that can put the names of these candidates in the minds of the voters with a belief that they are not wasting their votes we could see some positive change.

    I think it is worth the effort what do ya'll think?

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    Ok, the efforts that I do in my local area will probably not ripple out and make the whole world join hands and sing coom by ya. I can however make my small corner or the world a more livable place. You can make you piece a better place for you. If nobody does anything slides further into the toilet. I posted this in hopes that those who have the ability and the will will try this and create some oases that can be examples to others of what can be done. That is where the ripples start is in the changing of attitudes.

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    This is kind of like voting in that if you don't vote don't complain about who wins. I don't see it as a waste of time and will see what can be done.

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    I have brought up this idea before, but perhaps enough of the U.S. population is awake now. Those who have studied how our government really works (i.e. have an understanding of fractional reserve banking, soft-kill weapons, cointelpro, etc.) know that the system can only be artificially propped up for so long. Indeed, we see it crumbling around us on a daily basis. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are no longer being incrementally chipped away; they are being shredded and burned by power-mad psychopaths bent on global scientific dictatorship.

    If you don't agree, that's fine. It's not my intent here to start a flame war. My days of trying to wake people up on an individual basis are past.

    It's my belief that the Founding Fathers were some brilliant motherfuckers. Not, perhaps, paragons of virtue and moral perfection, but they designed a system of government that, had the American people remained vigilant, could conceivably have seen humankind well on its way to colonizing the solar system by now. But we weren't vigilant. We flushed our Constitutional duty as citizens to keep the government in check down the toilet, allowed the monster that is the Federal Reserve system to rule over us, and generally stopped giving a flying **** about anything but carnival entertainments.

    All that being said, we are seeing a resurgence in interest in the concepts and ideas behind the Constitution and Bill of Rights, especially among young people. Ron Paul's approval rating is in the stratosphere, while Congress' overall is down around 10%. The false Left/Right Paradigm is crumbling as we begin to see how the system has kept us fighting amongst ourselves and ignoring what our "elected leaders" are actually up to. Even the Republican Party's takeover of the Tea Party movement has not had the intended effect.

    What does all this have to do with magick? Well, we go on and on about using existing paradigms and pre-existing icons, egregores, godforms, etc. for our own purposes. Slumbering beneath our very feet, indeed permeating every rock, tree, and grain of sand from sea to shining sea, exists one of the most powerful godforms that ever rocked this planet.

    The Spirit of 1776.

    Oh, it's been asleep for a very long time, but still been getting a steady trickle of sustenance every time a "survivalist nut" stocks a bomb shelter, every time an agent provocateur is outed at a peaceful protest, every time a good parent explains the concept of Natural Rights to their six year old.

    It is what Uncle Sam's nightmares are made of.

    I say it's time for those of us in the magickal community, from the fluffybunnies to the chaotes to the shamans to the Wiccans, who can recognize common cause, to come together and wake this sleeping giant. Make it viral! Link it to Ellis! It doesn't have to be a simultaneous working; evoke it yourself and ask it to connect those of like mind. Send it to Congress and have it express its displeasure. Send it to the Bilderberg meeting where it can manifest the rage of the People like Christ among the moneychangers.

    Let's show the powers that be just what the old saw about wizards being "subtle and quick to anger" really means.

    Let's show them that our answer to 1984 is, unequivocally, 1776!


  5. #5
    Vir Sapiens Guest


    Firstly, and I mentioned this on another forum where a similar topic had been posted, it would be like pissing in the ocean and expecting it to warm up. It would be the minority of us with any occult knowledge versus the mass of the mundane world for control of reality. We have power. They have numbers and in this case their numbers are greater than our power, even combined. you may be able to influence some people and they might be able to influence a few more but, nothing like the fractally divergent snowball effect that people envision.

    Now as to our government. If it had remained the same as 1776 then we would be a non entity on the world stage today. We would not enjoy the level of power and security that we enjoy, and make no mistakes we are secure. Whether we like it or not the idea of a republic in the strictest sense is a cumbersome form of government that does not allow for quick decision making. Could you imagine if the President really had to wait for Congress to authorize aggressions against a hostile nation or group? We would have no high speed low drag units at all, and right now the backbone of our military strategy is built on such units.

    Our entire geo-political future rests upon our government being able to do certain things without our approval or oversight. I mean I suppose we could go back to the original republic model with individual state's bank's setting interest rates and printing money, where Congress had to debate every action of government. Of course that was back before our population boom and when it took four weeks or more to get across the Atlantic. As it stands now what you are proposing, should it actually work, is the complete dissolution of America and by extension the rest of the world since America more or less owns the global trade system.

    So no we would not be colonizing the solar system and if this working succeeds we'll probably end up even worse off. The Dollar would disappear as a financial marker since it would be managed by state banks instead. Without a centralized banking authority to make the value determination our currency becomes unstable and the companies that we rely on for our space program can't buy the materials they need to get us out into space. Then congress would virtually shut down as the committee system that was established after the original work up of Congress gives way to the old style of open debate by the entire House and Senate. Foreign policy becomes a nightmare because instead of having a Senate Foreign Relations Committee we would have every Senator weighing in on every foreign policy issue. Our troops would be slaughtered as actionable intelligence and lifesaving intelligence operations were also debated in a similar open forum style as opposed to a committee.

    My point is the spirit of 1776 was fine in 1776 but, the realities of todays world are much more complicated and a working like this, if successful, has the potential to destroy not only this country but, the entire system of civilization that this country supports. The world is smaller and there are more people in it. I'm not saying one way or the other is good or bad what I am saying is that one way, the way we have now, is necessary for the continued survival of the nation as a whole which is why the government has persisted in this way. The pattern has been set and they must act accordingly. Let the spirit of 1776 rest in peace.

    EDIT: And we aren't even close to 1984. You want 1984 visit England some time. You are literally watched everywhere you go except your own home.
    Last edited by Vir Sapiens; 04-30-2010 at 03:03 PM.

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    We shall have to agree to disagree, sir.

  7. #7
    Vir Sapiens Guest


    I can do that. It's the foundation of reasonable society. If everyone agreed with me all the time it would make my life a great deal less aggravating but, a great deal more creepy.

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    Just out of curiosity, I'd like to pose this question to you:

    What is more important: individual Liberty or safety?

    I ask only to gain a deeper understanding of your underlying political philosophy. Most of the "pros" you cited regarding the 21st Century American political climate are the very things that I tend to view as "cons".

    Regarding the hopelessness of a working designed to bring about a return to a government of, by, and for the People, I would quote Samuel Adams:

    It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.

  9. #9
    Vir Sapiens Guest


    What good is liberty without safety? For that matter does liberty only exist when guaranteed by law or is it practiced in the hearts and minds of those who believe in it? Your question leads me to believe that your goal might be to put an end to domestic surveillance activities. Of course the government monitors pretty much every data transmission that originates within the US or comes into the US. The thing of it is that's a vast amount of data, far too much data to be realistically processed. There is a network of switches and computers called Eschelon which is tasked specifically with doing correlative processing of that data, searching for key words in the data and checking the rest of the data for relevance based on other key words. The vast majority of the data, i.e. most of the data private citizens are concerned about, goes by with merely a cursory glance.

    There are simply logistical and technological impossibilities that prevent domestic surveillance from being nearly as pervasive as people think. I used to work for the military in intelligence, I did humint not sigint though, but, I became intimately familiar with the limitations of our domestic surveillance capabilities.

    As to my political philosophy it's pragmatic and realist I suppose. I don't think it is really fair to say our nation was made in 1776. The raw materials were brought to the forge but, America didn't come out tempered until after World War I. It was then that we emerged as a power on the world stage and it was then that our geopolitical and domestic policy patterns were irrevocably set. World War I established the alliances that carried us over to World War II which set the stage for the Cold War. In order to counter Russia we set up, more or less, the dynamics of the current global trade system and with that we pretty much locked the world in place. Now we follow five geopolitical policy imperatives and one domestic policy pattern. Both of these are self sustaining so it doesn't matter who you put in office they have to abide by the pattern set for them.

    The geopolitical imperatives are pretty self explanatory and make perfect sense from the standpoint of our national survival. One, we must completely dominate North America with our army. We've pretty handily done that. Second we must make sure that no other nation is able to challenge us in the Western hemisphere. This is more or less the entire reason for the Monroe Doctrine. We had to block Europe early on to secure our power.Third we must make the US completely secure from all maritime approaches. This one is self explanatory. You need a beachhead to land an invasion force. Fourth we must completely dominate the oceans of the world. We did this during World War II by taking advantage of the weakened British while mobilizing our own fleet to control the Atlantic. When the Japanese were defeated we then had defacto control of the Pacific too. Since it is costly to maintain and field a Navy we are the only nation on Earth capable of controlling the oceans. finally we must prevent any other power from challenging our global naval advantage. This more or less boils down to making sure no one is secure enough in the rest of the world to focus on building a navy. All five of these are absolutely necessary for our continued prosperity and power, both of which are necessary for the "American Way" to endure.

    Now the domestic policy pattern is an odd duck indeed. It isn't as cut and dried as our geopolitical imperatives but, the pattern is always the same. It occurs about every fifty years or so. We will have some sort of crisis at home. This crisis will go on for awhile and then we will come up with a solution and everything will work great until eventually the solution causes a new problem and the cycle perpetuates. So in essence each generation has to fix the last one's mess and in doing so will cause a problem for the next generation. The point I'm trying to make is that our leaders have only the barest margin of control over what goes on. It's like they are hanging on to a speeding motorcycle. They can make small corrections in the cycle's course but, any large correction will send the whole thing crashing end over end. Once you realize this though it tends to make life much much easier. Instead of railing about politics I pick my pet projects, like FCC reform and alternative energy research, to pester my elected representatives about because the large bulk of foreign and domestic policy is out of their hands. Of course this speaks to my idea that choice is an illusion and that we are all constrained by a bias of knowledge and larger patterns of behavior that we can't really change.

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    well we can and it is being done. Every moment, every breathe, every thought does have an effect. But seriously...Concentrate on yourself and social change comes. Chaos magic is sooo subtle that we don't even have to do too much.

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