This is intended as my "personal experiment diary" for some of the ideas from this thread:
Theory of Advanced Thoughtforms
For some background please read there (especially the quote about Tarot magic on page one and the 2 links I provided on the second page).
I put it here, because it is more Chaos than anything else for me.
Today I got a bulk of "new" cards, which I purchased from ebay. I could have gotten them a bit cheaper I guess, but well it is still okay.
It was quite a interesting feel getting the package - energizing with a mix of joy for the possible upcoming adventures.
The cards themselves proved to be a rather mixed block. Ranging from mint to uhm "unmint" *cough*
There are some cards I did not even think of until now, some exciting ones and quite a few boring ones. And there are far too many double, triple, quadruple, you name it...
Highlight is maybe a Japanese Streetbreaker Wurm . Have no idea what he is doing there...
Many Kamigawa and Guildpact - Silverstorm Samurai, yay. Cylian Elf too.
Some Elf Zombie (eh?). The Nim Shrieker I wrote about before (hm.. not so hot as a card, I only mentioned this critter cause it is such a ugly weakling).
And finally a Hobgoblin Bowling Team...WTF?
There are no lands... even though my plan now is to skry first some land area to get a better feel for the world(s). I think maybe I can use some pictures instead, since I do not really summon the lands themselves. There are only a few land cards, which I think of as interesting anyway.