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Thread: demons posession, what can

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    a quick google brought up this ask a rabbi
    Last edited by zero; 09-01-2009 at 11:44 PM.
    Man is invited to question, discover, explore,
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    a quick google brought up this ask a rabbi
    Hey how kool is that nice find Zero

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andyr View Post
    So your not an orthodox Jew then ?
    How do you know you were cursed ? and why ?

    Your sister become the messenger because she is the closest person to you, that would be correct to an extent...

    What kind of results did you get with that uoija board ? and was there any lasting aftermath so to speak ?
    And how do you know your parents housekeep practices witchcraft ?
    How long has she been there in relation to your sister relaying these initial warnings to you ?

    i am an orthodox jew, but i havent been keeping sabbath lately because im very nervous and dont have anywhere to go and have to much stress to be cooped up in a house for 2 days on the weekend with a threatening, posessed person and a dysfunctional family who dosnt get alone with me so well. i dont know how to explain.

    nothing happened with the uija board. i just know it didnt work., i had to move the peice by myself and nothing was happening, nothing was spelled out. so i put the game away. i dont think i threw it out.

    since my parents housekeeper came to work my family has had some sort of bad luck. also she talks spanish and is from el salvator, she has abused me when i was younger, she would hit me, throw things at me and curse at me in spanish, she still curses at me and siblings. we suspect she is a witch because she chants angrily alot to herself . its all spanish but it sounds odd, she wispers chants, she can chants for minutes in a row reapeating words etc for an entire 5 minute time
    she also does odd rituals , she lines things up in the home in circles often, she also gives evil glares to people and things occur after that. she was giving the evil eye to my sister. and right then as she stared at my sister who was walking to somewhere, my sister tripped down the steps. she gives odd glares to people. she looks odd too, gives a creepy stare and she wears multi gem rings on her hands. each finger has another large gem color on all 5 fingers and both hands either 4 or 5 finger

    so like 8-10 fingers all togeather have seperate gems. santeria and bricheria are common in her country. she yells abusive spanish langauge to my sisters and i, severe temper. also she cornered me a few times and threatened to kill me in spanish or something. she was yelling and hissing and saying muerta muerta muerto, tu muerta and other spanish things i didnt understand. then she was yelling another time at me in a crazy tone and she said muerta muerto, and then she was waving her hand at me saying brucheria and some other scary sounding things.

    so i caught that word she said brucheria, and it means witch

    we suspected for years she was a witch, me and my sisters.

    one of my parents was in the hospital a few years ago, and when the housekeeper came in that day she didnt see the parent so she came up to my sister and said where is the parent, in spanish. she said donde esta padre, madre. and then she said in english, "hospital?", no one informed her they were in the hospital. she knew right away.

    she often leaves dead house flies on the bathroom sink after cleaning that were not there before, the house began to have infestations of mice and roaches after she began to work here, but i dont know if thats involved with her

    she dosnt like animals at all, we used to have a cat, my whoe life growing up. very nice and very polite and quiet cat, she was an angel. very adorable. and was always neat and independant and loving. one of the nice cats there is. the cat was always afraid of her, she would chase the cat with a broom or vacuum, the cat would hide under furniture from her all day. she would spray cleaning spray into the food plate of crunchies left out for her. my cat was horrified by her. she would run to the other side to avoid her. anyhow my cat also picked up on ghosts and was very empathetic. if you criedc she came running to you. anyways a few weeks before she died, the housekeeper was caught staring at the cat while holding a broom and chanting crazy things in a chanting way to the cat. the same day she left a large black fly on the sink. the flies were never there before. she takes random dead flies from her purse and leaves them there. alot of times the bathrooms were spotless to begin withj and she will leave random already dead insects on the sink that had to have come from her purse, we checked the bathroom before she was in there, the sink and window was clean and spotless, the floor had no fly.
    she goes in there and right when she leaves there a fly. she also chants in the bathroom

    anyhow she is a very angry and mean person, she seems like a black witch, shes always yelling and threating revenge, or causeing trouble to my parents threatening them if they dont keep giving her raises. they pay her alot anyways
    i know already shes a mean and careless person, she does give scary looks, so kids anyways suspect someone like that to be a boogey man or witch. this was when we were younger. shes worked here many years. shes also afraid to eat any food in the house wich is odd.

    but the fact she said brucheria, she leaves dead insects all over the place and shes very traditionally spanish and those multi gem large rings she wears. just points to witch. shes probably a black witch. she has no pateince at all. she is cruel. if my sister or someone is trying to eat a bowl of cereal, she goes and yells at them and chases them out of the room because she "has to clean'';./ but she does this odd thing, she will be in another room in the middle of cleaning or vaccuming, she will stop whatever shes doing if she sees you in another room and she will follow you to that room to interupt what your doing to pretend she needs to clean in exactly the place your in, like she will make you leave a table

    and then once your gone she will spray a few things and pretend to clean for a minut and go back and finish what she was doing in the first place

    she has an odd scary look to her eyes. she has permanent eyeliner tatooed around each eye.

    anyhow just giving her the very scary look affect. she has a short tempmber and yells alot . she has no patients. i got hurt badly and had a severe disability and couldnt walks so well withoutr holding onto something. i was disabled with mobolity trouble and she used to curse at me and threaten me because i couldnt move and i couldnt tell her in english because she speaks spanish and either pretended not to hear or didnt understand. she threw a chair at me because i couldnt walk and was angry i was in her way. another time she picked up a broom and hit me with it because i was in her way and could not move. she threatened me in spanish because i could not walk because i was resting where i stood, i was having severe chronic pain and i took a few minutes to stand where i was standing and lean on the table. she could have gone the other way. there was another way she could ahev gone around but instead she chose to hit me with a broom she was holding a few times

    shes a vicous person

    and my parents are very odd, they dont care that she abuses people or has hit me. they put up with her threats and give her many raises. they always keep her, she tried to quit as a tactic to get a raise, she said she wont uit if they pay her a certain amount extra and my parents accepted
    they are loyal to her and attached. they dont care that she curses at people or gives disgusting looks to my sisters. shes nice to my parents tho escept all the threats in spanish, but shes not harrasing to them.
    she is just mean to my sisters and i, she can get away with that because we dont pay her. she only is polite to parents

    they dont care she leaves flies on the sink

    but anyhow this cant be from her, i doubt she is that powerful or mean to do something like this such as invite demons or make something terrible happen.
    maybe she causes a negative influence at best.

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    also another time, these strange young men were staying at my house, due to my sister inviting over complete strangers while my parents were gone for a few days. i was older then everyone and they were acting insance and illegal, they brought alchohol and they were all under 21. 19 and 20 yr olds.
    they sexually assaulted my sisters friend who was drunk at the time against her will because she was drunk. she told us what happened when they went to the living room in the middle of the night when we were all asleep. they threatened to assualt me, they ganged up on me and tried to attack me and they threw stuff at me. they were curcing at me and telling me to die and they threatened they would put curses on me. they were crazy or possibly mentally ill people., my sister met them from the internet and didnt know them, but she knew a freind of a freind of one of them
    it got out of hand and when they went to take a short walk outside. i locked them out of the house, they had their cars outside and cell phones with them

    i boilted all the windows and doors locked and they could not get back in and as the only adult over 21 there i asked them to leave and not return because they tried to physically assault me and i didnt feel safe, also there was a child in the house who didnt need to put up with the things they did. my sister was 16 at the time and they were trying to give her alchohol

    so my sister gave them their stuff and they left. i did call the police because of the underage alchohol, i told the cops they are all 19 and 20 and that i dont want to get in trouble for being the only adult over 21 and allowing this to happen. i said it was out of my control. and i am a very shy and quiet person, so i was very intimidated by these guys. i dont have alot of social skills around males. i had a hard time standing up for myself and asking them to leave but i did. i felt terrified when i came down that morning and saw 3 guys lying on a fold out couch with a female friend of a sister.

    maybe they got angry i called the cops.

    perhaps they cursed me? no idea

    but i have an orthodox household and it is very innapropriate to have males a certain age not related to family to be staying overnight in the same home, or even sleeping in the same bed as a female. my sisters friend was in a bed with them. she lied and said she is staying in my sisters room on a fold out bed. then she snuck to the living room to stay with the guys

    so anyhow my brother in law said it was a good idea we called the cops

    my family was worried and told me to call so i did.

    the cops did nothing anyways, they didnt arrest anyone for underage alchohol.
    they didnt listen to me or take me seriousely
    they told me all the kids said they are 21 which was impossible because i was 22 and they were not my age. they were my sisters age which was 3 years younger. they were all 19 or turned 20. unless they had fake ids i doubt the police asked them for id

    anyhow ALL of that was against my morals, as a religous person i dont think college age males and females staying overnight in the same home and underage alchohol is ok at all. i would have called 911 right away but i wanted to wait till the sabath ended. because it was not a serious life threatening emergency, they didnt try to physically attack me untill sabath was almost over. so i locked them out after that and then called the cops an hour later before they left

    my sister has been warning me for about 3 years. god also sends me divine signs and divine intervention. some of it actually helped me scare the demon. my sister was terrified when i told her things god told me. when i stood up for myself. it didnt stop it but it scared her and made her be qwuiet for a few minutes and stop tormenting me like she was in the middle of doing

    anyhow the way she described the demon to me before she became posessed is exactly the way she acts now, how the demon posessing her acts

    she had all the details right, its ad if she saw into what could happen

    its so confusing when i judge the situation with my eyes, it looks like her but isnt

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    my father also did curse me to die. right before i got hurt

    before this started. i dont know who might have done this, but if i got cursed it could be a number of things

    i have a few enemies such as parents who have said hateful things to me, the housecleaner who started working here when i was small child who has a short temper, the strangers who showed up. i didnt do anything wrong, to anger these people. its only bad people running into at the wrong place or wrong time.

  6. #16
    ZeldaFitz Guest


    What you need to do is banish and shield yourself, and when the time comes get away from your family. We don't have to love or like our family just because we happened to be born into their environment. You must protect yourself at all times. I am sorry if I sound heartless but hell I am sometimes. I haven't spoken to my family in fifteen years and don't regret it at all. We have to look at what is best for our growth, spiritual and physical. I wish i had a solution to your problem but this is the best i can do.

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    In laymans terms dead flies are symbolic to the demon Beelzebub and a single dead fly can be used in curses especialy to maintain the curses effect. Its pretty obvious that your housekeeper is the cause of all the problems and does have your parents firmly under her control, She will also know since she been with you for a long time that you and your sister where close and a good way to hurt and tourment you is to do it via your sister...

    The incedent with the guys you speak of was most likely just a bad experience and I highly doubt that they cursed anyone at all...

    The housekeeper has access to things that are very personal to your family so it would have been easy for her to find even a single strand of your hair and use that in her "rituals/curses" as something like that is needed or even if one of your family members gave her an item that can be used also...

    That is a very basic outline without going into the how to and why's of what she is doing...

    So the question is what you need to do about it follow Zelda's advice and learn how to shield yourself for now at least, Personaly I would not attempt to banish as yet (sorry Zelda not contradicting you, just stating my oppinion ) I will look into this further for you fish as it is something I have came accorss before and the solution is not that difficult far as I recall, but for the life of me I cant recall the exact details off the top of my head....

    I know its easy for anyone to say that and not produce a workable solution, However I will see what I can find for you in whats left of my notes

  8. #18
    ZeldaFitz Guest


    It doesn't hurt to learn the LBRP or the QB but there are other ways, salt around your bed, cleaning the area with ammonia, using banishing incense and banishing oil on the doorways and windows and in your cleaning water. They are very simple but powerful ways of banishing. The most important is learn to shield and learn to shield well.

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    With all due respect sorry, but I'm looking at it from the perspective that he's got a sister with demonic possession and a housekeeper that is actively marking her territory and keeping "her servants" well under control, So in light of this I see banishing as really only a temporary measure that will serve to piss the demon off especially and that's not a good idea in my book

    Been there before lol ...

    Jehovah's Witnesses get a hell of a lot of problems with demonic possession 70% of the people I seen it has just been an excuses for their own wrong doings that go against what they practice... The other 30% are the real I am possessed stuff, and in that situation it is very easy to spot any member of the prayer group that does not have 110% faith in the lord they claim to worship... It is this perspective I am looking at
    Last edited by Andyr; 09-02-2009 at 09:32 PM.

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    Zelda : Sorry hun I appear to have ruffled your feathers a little to say the least, That was not my intention at all, I do not claim to be an expert and can only speak from what I have experienced.

    And by an open discussion of thoughts and practices (like we are doing) we will come up with a solution as a collective body, what one of us may miss or overlook another may spot and maybe even have brainwave where the solution just appears as if by magic (lol sorry couldn't resist the pun)

    What makes this difficult is this :

    1. It sounds as if fish contacting a Rabbi is out of the question as they are upset with his family ? .... A possible solution to that is a group of educated Jewish peeps to form some sort of prayer group (details would need to discussed of course on how to do that reasonably safely for all involved)

    2. fish is either not happy to perform any traditional forms of magic himself or is not in a position to do so.

    3. Christian methods are out the window also since he is an orthodox Jew

    So Zelda if I ask you nicely will you come back and play (offer your advice and assistance) Pretty please

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