Zelda : Sorry hun I appear to have ruffled your feathers a little to say the least, That was not my intention at all, I do not claim to be an expert and can only speak from what I have experienced.
And by an open discussion of thoughts and practices (like we are doing) we will come up with a solution as a collective body, what one of us may miss or overlook another may spot and maybe even have brainwave where the solution just appears as if by magic (lol sorry couldn't resist the pun)
What makes this difficult is this :
1. It sounds as if fish contacting a Rabbi is out of the question as they are upset with his family ? .... A possible solution to that is a group of educated Jewish peeps to form some sort of prayer group (details would need to discussed of course on how to do that reasonably safely for all involved)
2. fish is either not happy to perform any traditional forms of magic himself or is not in a position to do so.
3. Christian methods are out the window also since he is an orthodox Jew
So Zelda if I ask you nicely will you come back and play (offer your advice and assistance) Pretty please