Magi¢k isn't real.. Why do so many believe. Magi¢k isn't real.. Why do so many believe. - Page 3
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Thread: Magi¢k isn't real.. Why do so many believe.

  1. #21
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    You quoted the Bible. That religion teaches that a man parted an ocean with a stick, another man walked on water, and a virgin gave birth. But magick, oh no, magick couldn't possibly exist.
    Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

    Love is the law, love under will.

  2. #22
    Light Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by shatteredpan View Post
    You quoted the Bible. That religion teaches that a man parted an ocean with a stick, another man walked on water, and a virgin gave birth. But magick, oh no, magick couldn't possibly exist.
    haha, love this comment.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMystic10 View Post
    Hello. I would like to know why the occult and it's lies started and why people believe in it. Thanks.

    As a motivator to people that may not be happy with their lives I had some ideas to share. If you do read. Please read everything.
    This is also targeted to those seeking witchcraft as a way to get what they want. Also to people who believe in vampires or that they are a vampire witch etc etc. But I think most people may just be curious about witchcraft and the sort. And the answer is no.

    My own belief is that some people are born with a chemical imbalance of Monoamine and Dopamine in the brain and look for anything that can make them feel like they are different than others because they are really just depressed, lonely, or want more attention in their life.

    Or the biggest factor which can affect anyone...The feeling that the mind is a far more powerful tool than people realize? Is that right? After all...The mind does control everything. For example...You do not see with your eyes. But with your mind... Stuff like that? If you had a Dopamine or Monoamine imbalance you might say something like this. Yes this is true. But just by thinking or believing something can not make it really happen. Sure there are functions that meditation can activate in the mind but these functions do not affect anyone but yourself.

    For example. Try closing your eyes and feel your heart beating with your left hand.. feel it.. beating blood throughout your body. Concentrate and breathe and really feel the blood flowing through your body then hold your right hand up palm facing forward and concentrate on feeling the blood flow into your right hand and into your fingers. Your blood going through your hand being pumped from your heart and feel your fingers expanding and the sockets in in-between your fingers filling with blood and slowly start to feel your hand and fingers grow..

    This is successfully using your brain to signal your body into performing a command. As such is the power of the mind. For example, when YOU ARE SCARED YOUR MIND SIGNALS YOUR ADRENAL GLANDS TO RELEASE ADRENALINE INTO YOUR SYSTEM. This is automatic.

    I think that understanding the human body and it's capabilities could make someone much happier, healthier, and finally fill that hole inside their gut that they have been looking to fill. Instead of searching and searching for some fantasy answer... Why not use what you have so far. And improve on it. You can accomplish anything if you set your mind to it. But you have to do it yourself. No one else. And no magical spell will do it for you. If you want something or someone you have to go out and get it. And if you fail so what! I guarantee you would feel much better than if you just never tried at all.

    After all... we are just living creatures on this earth. But we have something no other living creature has and that is our smarts. Our knowledge. Our way of thinking. Our ability to accomplish great things. The best thing to do would be to understand. What is reality.. And what is fantasy. And just separate them from each other. Separate them and realize something. That you have to work for what you want. Because if you can't learn to be responsible now. It's going to be with you for the rest of your life. You have to motivate yourself. Or else it will never come to you. Be your own person and stop looking toward others for the easy way because there is no easy way. And if truly. If you truly cannot do this. If you always feel down and don't know what to do and can't bring yourself to keep your mind on track. You may suffer from common anxiety. But guess what, bad ass doctors that studied and researched and dedicated their lives to helping people have created so many medications and ways to help people with diseases or disabilities.. And with one small pill you can cure your anxiety and breathe and be fine. Anxiety is a very very common illness that can be acquired or passed on in genes. You can look for anxiety medication or go to a doctor and he/she will prescribe you him/her self. When I see stuff like this... People claiming to be able to do the supernatural etc. I look at it as a cry for help. I mean it is one thing to just do research and stuff like that. But another to believe you can do stuff that you can't. Like make someone love you by performing rituals or you can drain someone's mental energy and all these other things I read about. This is not reality. This is fantasy..and should not be believed.

    Feel free to lecture me. I will have no problem in reading and replying.
    - TheMystic10

    God speaking to Adam after he ate from the Tree of Knowledge.
    "22 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."
    - Genesis 3:22 -The Bible
    What a dick.

  4. #24
    Light Guest


    Lets just say , he is a bit ignorant.
    As far as brain chemicals etc.. (levels), nothing has been proven scientifically.
    This is why psychotropic drugs are now debated about in the medical community, and going by the the 'vast' knowledge it seems, about what magick is all about and quoting the bible, he might need to take a good look in the mirror himself.
    But then again he is Christian, not many of them like to.

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    Well my professor told me that the bible did confirm the existence of reincarnation and that she would get in trouble if she were to openly talk about it until the pope decided nope reincarnation and any thing to do with spiritual energy doesn't exist and so that was that.. Since when did the pope become god anyway?

  6. #26
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    Prayer is not different than a spell, communion and baptism, ritual. Offerings are made to Christ in the form of money. Candles are lit for others so god might hear. Incense is burned to please god. Every looked at a Catholic alter? Candles, cup, bowl, book, cross instead of a pentacle. Dream interpretation, astrology, divination are all in through the bible.

    Many faiths, including Judeo-Christian stories have similarities. It's sad that most Christians mock those who don't think the way they do.

  7. #27
    Iza Guest


    Don't forget Beef Jerky.

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