as a person who sees astrological sigils, or very recognizable variations of them, for what ever mental energy situation is present at the time, and they morph intricatly in seconds, with varied branches and such, I then must tell you that the astrological sigils, the common set of them, are very real, and done in an exacting manner, and are the whole pojnt really to most work, in the spheres of the Kaballah or elsewhere.
sigil encoding is something I am still learning, but to even sketch what some of these things look like is somethign I have yet to do . i need to keep painting. just started painting again. I will apply sigilization techniqs frmo the book of results and see what can happen with that. I will post a pic of the painting(s) when I complete it.
I have seen a thousand thousand civilizations rise and fall upon the Mother of All Things. As pipes play, echoing off the mountains and across the Ocean, until it fades at the edge of time, the end of All... - book of the gate called pan