I regulary take stuff to it with 100% success, These are not just dreams I have worked through lucidity to get to the astral but the work I have done is replicated in the real world , so yes in essence I have brought stuff from the astral to this plane but I cant go there and just take, there seems to be rules at play here allow me to explaine, I cant go there and take what I want but If my real life ok needs sorting somehow on the earth plane I project the whole part of my life I want to change in the astral and I have compleate control over it in dreamscape/ lucid state and I then rearrange stuff add stuff to it within reason (the acceptable possibilities within my reach on the earth plane I mean lol) and within days it comes in to my real life for me as a person. It blew my mind that all of us can and we all have this amount of control in our lifes.
The stuff I have taken there is a torch, some string and a marker pen.. I am able to either carry on from the night before and have total recall or start a brand new episode of which i can dictate at will or I can just have normal sleep, the torch and marker pen I used the string is still there. I place it under my pillow and create a mantra with the items in, as I start to enter lucidity and they are there with me when I get there, altho when I wake its still under my pillow. I then remove them from under there and when I get to the astral they are still there in my humble abode cos I have not deleated them from there. hope that offers a pointer of two for ya
What Ever You Believe, Your Heart Can Conceive, Your Mind Can Achieve.
i dont know about bringing back physical things but i remember me and my friend once astral projected and we were attacked by someone. i came out of it with scratches on my arms the exact place i was attacked. and Ash was drained of all her energy it was completely weird and my 1st time doing something like that!
It would be very interesting to bring back people instead of items back from the Astral Realms.
When i was lucid dreaming i had fallen asleep in my dream which was really abnormal i was dreming in my dream and i kept pictureing a sword laying in my lap i woke up in my lucid dream and there was the sword its almost like it was really there i could feel myself touching it but when i come back fully into reality there was nothing there but it was a pretty crazy experience i really thought that i had a sword why a sword idk for sure but it was an interesting experience that i wont soon forget.
When the devil cries in agony who then comes to his aid?
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