I mounted a calcite sphere to a staff for a friend once. I shaved down the top 3 inches of the staff to be narrower than the rest and wrapped copper wire around the ridge. over this I set a stack of steel carriage rings and threaded the wire through them to weave a cage around the calcite ball. It looked really nice when it was done and a huge amount of energy went into it.
Unfortunately the effort was wasted as this person then treated the staff as roughly as possible and broke the wire cage. So I do have to say that the above technique should be used on a staff that will be used only for ceremonial purposes and not as a bludgeon or something!
The karmic consequences of the linking of energies in creating the staff and then the violent destruction of those energies were obviously less than desirable, something to keep in mind if planning to share the work with another. There were underlying resentments between this person and I which manifested in the destruction of what had been crafted. I suppose the moral of this story is, Know Thyself (and Thy Associates!)
I am going to make a Rowan staff when I prune the tree outside my window. One of these days.