Greetings to all.
I'm a 27 year old mother of two. Ive been dealing with strange things all the life but only with in the last year as any of it really made any about of sence. I've always been a fang fan. Although I am not, don't claim to be, nor do i wish to be a vampire. I just enjoy their company. I was a doner for many years but currently am in search for somone to be a doner to. Although that brings up issues with my husband who is very close minded to such things. He says I am "mentaly unstable" for wanting some one to drink my blood or energy, and anyone who believes themselves to such a thing should be locked up. yah. big issues.
But i'm ramabling.
Here is my problem and why I have come here. I am a memeber of a vampire forum. I rearly post. Mostly just read. Very informative. Recently a new member stated themselves to be a fae. another member commented with types of fae and giving discriptions of each. A realization hit me upside the head. WHOOO That discribes ME!! I have searched all over the internet and I guess i have been looking in the wrong places for info on REAL fae. I have went to many of my friends who for the most part were not much help. Though they tried. The other day I pulled out my wild card and contacted a very old good friend of mine. who francticly told me to drop it and don't go looking for fae, or info about them, only trouble can come of it. That threw me off guard. My curiousity beats out his warnings though. so here comes my questions.... How do i find out if i do have fae in my blood? and does anyone have more info on REAL fae? I'm getting desprate. I know there is something in me. I just can't figure out what it is!!
Thank you all so much for you time and any help you may have to offer.
have a wonderful day!