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Thread: Hi

  1. #1
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    Default Hi

    I've been an occultist in one way or another for about eleven years though my interest has waxed and waned at different times. I used to be a Satanist in highschool and for a few years after. Now, I'm Asatru. I've been Asatru for six years. Asatru is my religion, but on a more "magical" level, I'm a seeker on the Left Hand Path and more open to learning new, non-Germanic things. There are things I believed in as a Satanist that carried on into my personal belief even after I became an Asatruar, like the 21 Satanic Points; and there are a lot of things related to Asatru that carry on into my magical life, like Odinic Runosophy; but I like to keep those two parts of my spiritual life separate even though they aren't completely contradictory. This way of thinking is pretty recent thing with me.

    I'm here to learn, but I might know a few things that are worth mentioning, mostly pertaining to Asatru and other forms of Germanic polytheism, but I come up with random crap every now and then that I've gleaned from reading and experience. I've recently become more interested in learning about Chaos Magic, Western Cerimonial Magic, and initiatory magical organizations.

  2. #2
    isis Guest

    Default RE: Hi

    hi and welcome to the fourm... iam isis

  3. #3
    Lady Dunsany Guest

    Default RE: Hi

    Hello and Welcome.

  4. #4
    Odin Guest

    Default RE: Hi

    yea yea yea hello and welcome

  5. #5
    redhand Guest

    Default RE: Hi

    Greetings! I too have followed the way of Asatru, and was a member of the Rune Gild.

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