I enjoy stragic warfare games,dawn of war warhammer 40k pc version table top is so boring and i want to smack people with the dice i'm playing against that cry to mommy when they get wooped,I'm a computer tech and network admin.
I have a band i formed about 1/2 a year ago,we play bars local and not so local, ShootingDarkness on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads .
May like the music may not its metal there another one about me i like anything metal.
I have twenty years of wisdom in magick " no ego intended "
Took Psychology at the University Of Illinois also know as the U of I.
I found out through researching my family tree and the people in my family we have brothers and sisters in our tree that are through history,family that was or is in the golden dawn,masons,and other sects.
When i was asked to give blood to someone when they couldnt find a donor i found out more about my blood line and heritage,connections with the other side.
my blood type is AB negative i've never had any ammunity shots nor do i rarely ever get sick,my hair and nails grow quicker then most people,at the age of 35 im told by my doctors im in better health then most in there 20's,also what i found through researching our family tree is,the rite one man took in the family.
was deep into the occult a member of the golden dawn,i have his books today,and somethings that only members recieve,I know my calling and have and do feel the essence of energy all around me every day every second,this didn't happen till i belived and dug into some things,guess for the darkness in the tree,there is a gift under all the blood.
i'll take the gift.