The Meaning of Lucifer.
I believe in the meaning of Lucifer holds the key of what it means to be a Luciferian.
This is how EYE see it.
Lucifer was both an etruscan God and a Roman God.
In the Etruscan religion he was The God of Light. In his darker nature he was the God of Nature - a Horned God. When incorporated into the roman pantheon as a lesser god he became the God of Light, Knowledge, and Air. The symbolism of Air in Greek comes from AER. AER is not '' The Astral Plane'' but the air we breathe. The Aethyrs were supposed to be the Astral Plane which also translates into ''air'' but it was supposed to be '' the air beyond the celestial sphere'' or the stars.
Thus Lucifer is a force of Nature fallen from Above.
In Christianity Lucifer fell because he wanted to be God. In Merkavah Kabbalah the point is to stand before the glory of The Throne Of God ( The Merkavah) and thus in the glory of his presence dissolve into him. Lucifer sought to gain the Throne and Be God.
The original name for Lucifer in Isaiah was actually ''Day Star'' and not the '' Morning Star''.... there was actually a King in those days with the name of Day Star. So in some parts of the occult Lucifer is seen as an honored force, a force of temptation to Man in order to test and better himself.
In Islam Lucifer fell and became Iblis because when God created Man he wanted Lucifer to bow down before his creation. Lucifer then said '' Why should a son of fire bow down to a son of clay?'' and because he was defiant he was cast out of Heaven. Thus he told God that he hated man and would do everything to turn Man away from God.
However, The Yezidis (sp?) consider otherwise. They view that God was testing the loyalty of the Angels. So it is said in their version of the Koran
'' Why should a son of fire bow down to a son of clay? I am sorry my lord but I will not disobey the first commandment'' ( As in ... Thou shalt bow to no other gods before me).
In Occultism this was not seen as a test of God but the idea that proving that God is not Infallible. In one train of thought this only proved that one could become a God or that there were multiple ones. So when Lucifer fell into the Abyss he arose as a God. In Luciferian thought a God is not born simply through ritual but through sweat, hard work and discipline.
In another train of Thought it made Lucifer the Creator and (a) God because it created Chaos. Thus with Order and Chaos came Duality which resulted in the creation of All That Is.
It is that '' Luciferic'' thought that really makes a foundation in Luciferianism on the concept of a quest for knowledge. This '' Luciferic'' thought has been known to change societies, stimulate growth, and various other means.
An example of this follows into Thelema and the words of the Aeons.
'' Allah'' being that '' God is One'' united all of the tribes in the middle east into a coherent unit and brought a kind of harmony.
''Anatta'' or '' No Soul/Atman'' was the concept that started Buddhism and brought about the ending of the caste system.
It goes on and on.
Even in Christianity,
''Agape'' ... the concept that no longer do you need to do an elaborate ritual to go to Heaven but all you need to do is Love Christ and love one another and you'll end up in Heaven.
Luciferianism is thus a quest for God-hood. A quest for knowledge. A quest to break old paradigms, the discovery of new currents of energy and the liberation of others. It is also a quest for Balance. For Lucifer makes the profane something sacred and the sacred something profane all for our advancement. This is also a quest of falling into The Abyss... the dark side of ourselves... in order to arise completely self-aware.
Those who Fall will find their Heaven
and will always be adored.
In Plaudo Atri Matris!