My First Experience My First Experience
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Thread: My First Experience

  1. #1
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    Default My First Experience

    Settings: Dark, Rainy night tonight in Fayetteville, driving home from a friend's house after playing drums for about 3 hours straight, listening to Right In Two by TOOL off thier album 10,000 Days (Track 10). High off a Salvia off brand (cause I can't get in trouble by the Army for it currently).

    At first I was worried when I got into my car because my high was just hitting me good. The rain was blowing in gusts across the car window and the street was hard to see because I need to replace my wind shield wipers and lights on my truck. Instinctively I started breathing like I've been practicing for the last week during my meditation. I calmed down and focused on the road. For the first few minutes of the song I was completely focused on the road. There was a road. I was traveling on it. My body instinctively and intuitively knew the controls of the truck, the proper depth to push the gas, and the exact location the clutch lets out to change between the 6 speed shifter. As the song got about 4 minutes in the guitars, bass, and singer fade out and the drums play an incredible rythmn that Danny Carey (the drummer for TOOL) learned or perfected how to play under the tutiledge of a very famous Indian drummer who's name is escaping me currently. Thats when I tuned in, I felt the Chakra's that I have been trying to invision each day light up and come together. As each bass line note was plucked I felt a different Chakra twang inside me and a visible light in my mind's eye to the color the Chakra. This sounds wierd but I currently as my background have a picture drawn by Alex Grey (Alex Grey << AMAZING art work) that has each Chakra as a different color so I think the mind asigned those colors to my Chakra's. When the guitar and bass line aligned I felt myself align and become just white light that would pulse to the rythmn of the music. This continued through the last 3-4 minutes of the song ending in moments that I can't quite remember. I don't think I remember because from what I'm reading its hard your first few times to remember what you have seen while being apart of the Abyssal sub-consciencous.

    OH, yes I do know it was dumb for me to drive as I was, I do understand that I was a danger to myself and others... but I can't help but be greatful for the chance to finally feel this and understand what is happening.

  2. #2
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    Interesting.... I know the method of Indian drumming creates what musicians call a hemiola (sp?). The hemiola effect creates a beat and a false beat that makes the listener unsure of where the actual down beat occurs and then tempo of the music. If I remember from the scores I've seen correctly at that particular junction of the song the band just left playing 6/8 and the drums pick up a beat in 5/8 which makes things rythmically dissonant.

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