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the 20-21st century way

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I am new to blogging, and do not recognise the difference between this and regular posts, so please have patience with me. My blog question is this: why do more and more this age turn away from active paths in which there is a physical effort occompanied by a spiritual one, to ones totally inactive?
Is is a lack of interest in the physical activity itself, or a lack of knowledge of what to do? Perhaps it could be a step away from the old adage that what effort one expends one recieves, or maybe it is a dislike of the older ways insistance on discipline. The easy ways have always born less fruit in comparison to the varied others.

There has always been a mental processes of focus in regards to magic, and with it the stern warnings concerning the balance of both mental and physical endeavors regarding them. I grapple with this daily and watch as ancient and older processes become less and less remembered, due for extinction; and with it all the knowedge they contain.
I wish I understood the rationality behind this turn of direction, perhaps if I did I would have more peace concerning it.

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