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The Journal of Baphomet

The Journal of Baphomet: Entry #2

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March 14, 2012

I have taken the initiative to radically transform my physical body along-side my spiritual growth and self-development into becoming a god in this world. I sought counsel with a physical fitness expert and received a well-guarded, secret, hyper-fitness program, meant only for the truly dedicated and strong-willed. A program developed by the elite for the elite. I have also went in to a doctors offce today to have blood drawn to check this body for diseases, including the deadliest of all, HIV. How troublesome and pathetically weak and vulnerable are human bodies. I should have the results by the end of the weak. Perhaps I should have better control of my sexual deviance. Though, I don't see anything wrong in feeding my lust for pleasures of the flesh. I have a few critical items to acquire before I begin my physical transformation. I should have them by the end of the week. I feel my newly awakened power in a constant state of growth, even if it may be slow for now. My Lord has already imparted me with the gift of immeasurable willpower, and I feel that is the critical stepping stone to growing, discovering, and developing my future powers. Thank you, Lord Lucifer.

- Baphomet

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