Responding half drunk and from work so bare with....
It really boils down to the whole dark vs light/chaos vs order aspect. In the deity lists, Tiamat and Abzu are not seen as the parents of all as they should be but evil monsters who were conquered by the champion. Their role is replaced by other deities after the inserection and they were all but left to the sands of time. It's like the "new order" of things refused to accept that in the darkness of the abyss/void/sea the parents created them and give the proper respect.
And for those who give them their respect and honour are often seen as evil themselves for honouring chaos gods. "Oh you worship Tiamat? You're a demon worshiper" "No you sod, she's the ground beneath you, sky above you and her blood gives life. The mother of all, give her respect."
It has been shown that new religions or sects of the same religion will demonize the faith of the previous one to gain control of the population in the area. It is theorized by theologans that the christian bible was referring to Tiamat in attempts to stamp out mesopotamian worship all together, as an example.
-=Ex Ignorantia Ad Sapientiam; E Luce Ad Tenebras=-
~Khaotyk Artwerx (