Help to identify a ring found while metal detecting. Help to identify a ring found while metal detecting. - Page 2
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Thread: Help to identify a ring found while metal detecting.

  1. #11
    AlchemicEnchanter Guest


    Getting there with the deciphering. I should have a complete description of the meaning of the face of the ring by the weekend. Is there any possibility you have more pictures of the band of the ring? Are there any inscriptions on the inside?

    This is the only other time (outside of my own work) that I've seen a piece that uses even a rudimentary concept of alchemic enchantment.

    Excited to learning more about this. Thanks for bringing this up!

  2. #12
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    you know the thing the worries me the most about this ring is that there is a definate face on the ring. it was brought up earlier that it may be a leader of a group or something (and personally the face gives me an ugly feeling creepy lol) but the alchemical symbolism makes it seem even more strange. why would someone want to put a specific persons image on such a ring if it was intended for transformation of whom ever owns it? So it does make it seem more likly to be tied with a group, and that another ring that was found with the same images but in a (possibly) different location means it obviously isnt a one of a kind. So what would be super cool is if it was planted to be an anchor for the persons soul to attach to and that after death they would posses the wearers body and take them over and regain life in this new time!!!! but imma gonna stick with the cult thing that specializes in universal or alchemy of the mind or something of the sort. lol. cant wait to hear what y'all figure out on this!

  3. #13
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    I talked with the current owner of the ring. There are no other symbols on the ring itself except for the three shown on the side of the ring and the symbols on the face of the ring. There are no markings on the inside of the ring. No hallmarks or possible metal comp markings either.

    When looking at the ring. Would the Saw tooth pattern that encircles the face of the ring hold any significance besides ornamental? I was also wondering about the color scheme with a white face on a red background. If the face did not look sinister I would think it was kind of a heaven and hell motif.

    I was also curios if the number of symbols had any meaning. I have seen other items that had varying numbers of symbols that make up a circle. Sorry for asking so many questions but I guess I won't learn if I do not ask.

  4. #14
    AlchemicEnchanter Guest


    All the questions are completely justifieable. Though as I look into this more, the more I realize that three of the figures are not in any alchemical doctorine I've seen, so now I may begin to consider the possiblity that it's just random or made up symbols or sigils.

    Either way, yes, the number can have an impact on the meaning, or at least the way the figure's symbolism is bonded together. Once I'm done with a full analysis we should be able to see:

    -The meaning of the face. (numbers considered)
    -Coded possibilities
    -Incantation (yes, sometimes alchemic enchantments are bound by latin incantations.)
    -Final analysis: weather it's legit or just some crazy mans yammerings.

    Hope this helps. I'm actually gonna whip up some graphs in photoshop too so that way you can better see the orderrole of the ring. And yes, I plan on making these graphs as humerous as possible, so don't be surprised if you see random squirrels attatched to it.

    Any questions you have I will do my best to answer before issuing the final analysis.

  5. #15
    AlchemicEnchanter Guest

    Default Oh boy, here goes:

    So Here is the final analysis. Below is a diagram I’ve put together and numbered each of the symbols. This way I can just refer to the number instead of trying to describe the symbol. Yes, I know the symbols are messy. Yes, I also know my diagram is crooked. And yes, I know I put a ‘me gusta’ face with a squirrel on it in place of the persons. But now, Down to business.

    The Band diagram:


    First analysis is assuming the reagents and symbols are for a recipe. Here they are, assuming the order of the symbols starts from the temple of the figures head. The direct center is in between the two red ‘arrowed’ symbols where a red star is indicated.

    1) Balsamic Vinegar (liquid) CH3COOH
    2) Menstruum (liquid) Solvent
    3) Arsenic (applied to fire? Unsure.) As
    4) Salt (aqueous) NaCl + H2O
    5) Sal Armoniac (Solid/dust) NH4Cl
    6) Lead (Molten) Pb
    7) Sorrel (European plant)
    8) Lead (solid) Pb
    9) Zinc (aqueous) Zn + H2O
    10) Mercury (burnt remains of) Hg
    11) Sulfur (gaseous) S2
    12) Iron (solid) Fe
    13) Menstruum (liquid) solvent
    14) Air (assumed reaction with CO2)
    15) Tin (Liquid) Sn
    16) Brimstone (essentially powdered or solid Sulfur) S2

    Ok, so looking at this, it’s very hard to tell what is a reactant and a product. I would assume it is an order of what should be added to produce an unsaid product, but again, there is not enough information to be sure. At best this would be a list of ingredients, leaving the product as well as essential process left unsaid. For this reason, I doubt it’s a recipe, but here it is anyway. Another thing to consider is the band, as in where it fits into the formula. It could indicate that it is both a precursor or closer, but this would be far more likely if it is in the form of a spell, not a recipe. Either way, here’s the alignment of the band:

    1) Sorrel (European Plant)
    2) Brimstone (powder or solid) S2
    3) Salt (aqueous) NaCl + H2O

    No having looked over the ‘recipe’ on the band, it doesn’t look like any audible solution. Likely hood would have it that if this portion is indeed a recipe, it is for incense or a sachet. Nothing I would use though, the fumes from that would be highly hallucinatory.


    In checking out the symbolism of the various parts, we should be able to distinguish a purpose for the ring. I’ll list the various symbolisms, and then how they fit together at the end. Starting, of course, with the face of the ring.

    1) Refinement, change.
    2) Balance, duality, parts of a whole.
    3) Masculinity, Potency.
    4) Preservation, blessing.
    5) Congealing, flexability.
    6) Darkness, Prime, base.
    7) Parental affection.
    8) Darkness, Prime, base.
    9) Migration, Joining.
    10) Teaching, Creation.
    11) Multiplicity, aspiration.
    12) Strength, Masculinity.
    13) Consumption, Dispersing.
    14) Expose, become visible.
    15) Life, Group instinct.
    16) Greater Wrath, Hell.

    What it could mean:

    Putting it all together makes it read something like:

    To obtain change [refinement] you must balance the parts of the whole. Defend your honor, but remain open to the power of the Darkness [perhaps a deity, the group]. This darkness [deity of darkness] will join, teaching the mass of it’s strength, becoming a part of you, and becoming a [visible] part of [the groups] life, to life’s [world’s] end.

    Looking at it, it definitely resorts to the same ‘group’ philosophy seen before. It’s definitely an artifact of a group or cult, explaining the multiple rings, and the man on the center is either the high priest, or is believed to be of the ‘deity’ mentioned earlier. I don’t understand cult logic too well, but either way, the man was persuasive.

    Symbolism: Part 2

    Now I’m gonna look at the sides of the ring. It would seem it would be a beginning and ending phrase, and the way it is symmetrical around the face, indicates that it is more likely a blessing, as would the recipe implement of incense indicate.

    1) Parental Affection.
    2) Greater wrath, Hell.
    3) Preservation, Blessing.

    Not too many ways to look at that.

    What it could mean:

    Putting that together makes it read something like:

    The father [of darkness] gives his greater wrath [blessing] to preserve you.

    Interesting. But yea, definitely a cult path, probably satanic or intentionally dark. Fitting anyway, because the ring itself looks creepy. Looking at the general other features and the circular nature it could ensue a completion of a ritual or circle, and the rope’d design is a bit more to show the tight-knit aspects of the group.

    As an Incantation:

    As an incantation, it would be traditionally recited to bring about an effect sealed within the ring. In retrospect of what I have already said, if it is an incantation it is an activation to a dark blessing. If chosen to be spoken, it should be said in three parts like the inscriptions on the ring. Presumably, the ring would also be worn when activating.

    1) Virdesrile (Vir-des-real-ae)
    2) Abyssus (Ab-yiss-us)
    3) Reservo (Res-aer-voe)

    Part 2:

    1) Vinyard (Veen-Yard) lol, pretty much English
    2) Acctum (ak-toom)
    3) Arsenicum (Ar-sen-E-coom)
    4) Reservo (Res-aer-voe)
    5) Solvo (Saul-voe)
    6) Caliga (Ca-lee-gah)
    7) Virdesrile (Vir-des-real-ae)
    8) Caliga (Ca-lee-gah)
    9) Nix Alba (obvious)
    10) Calx (obvious)
    11) Inciter (Een-cite-aer)
    12) Ferrum (obvious)
    13) Acctum (ak-toom)
    14) Aer (air)
    15) Stannum (obvious)
    16) Abyssus (ab-yiss-us)

    Part 3:

    1) Virdesrile (Vir-des-real-ae)
    2) Abyssus (Ab-yiss-us)
    3) Reservo (Res-aer-voe)

    Please, I would advise not testing the incantation. I know I have listed it, but that is only because I went on a research rampage. In turn, I hope this helps with what you’re trying to find.


    In list form, here’s what we know for sure:

    -It belonged to a cult, small or large.
    -Man on the front is a leader or precieved diety.
    -The cult is of an obvious dark nature.
    -It would seem the basis of said cult is to almost not be destroyed in an apocalyptic type event to serve a greater ‘evil’ or darkness. As is , I won’t jump to assumptions as to the origin of the diety.
    -The ring itself is to bind the wearer to the ‘leader’ so if by the small chance it is not enchanted, it would act only as a symbol of alligence.
    -If it is enchanted it is to protect from an ‘end of days’ event as well as open the wearer to perceived ‘dark’ teachings.

    This is quite common of cults, to be based around a single event or idea, rather than a coven, which would conduct only general magic, ritual, ect.

    Hope this helped. Oh, and as to that ‘number’ question you had. It can have an impact, but only in the way the perceived incantation or symbolism is put together or read.

    Hope this helped! If you have any questions let me know, I’ll do my best to answer!

  6. #16
    Iza Guest


    The ring is just that a ring, no hidden meaning no great find and no reason to do all that research. The guy is probably laughing at you, he doesn't care.

  7. #17
    AlchemicEnchanter Guest


    I actually have been interested in metal detecting, do you have a forum or blog that I could check out? Thanks!

    I'm glad I was able to help. It's very rare that more 'alchemical' questions pop up that I get to answer, and it is a very enjoyable to share my talents with others.

    To Iza: Yes, there is always the possibility that the ring is a mere object of chance, with just some fun looking symbols thrown on it. However, weather my diagnosis is wrong or not, it is in the eye of the treasure hunter where an object's value is found. If there is ever an option to accept a ring as a mere object, or as an object of potential power, I sure as hell would choose power. In anycase, weather enchanted or not, it would have a more awesome story to be able to say from a specific view.

    Given the choice between mundane and exciting, I will always choose exciting.

    It's been a pleasure working with you Timmay13, if you have any more questions or awesome finds be sure to let me know, I would love to examine it for you.


  8. #18
    Drunk Guest


    Wow...I'm impressed with the amount of work you put into the response AlchemicEnchanter.

    I have to say, I admire anyone willing to put so much time and effort into something to help someone else. Very nice. While not my own 'cup of tea', I am glad you were able to help the querent and hopefully, help him his find his answer.

  9. #19
    AlchemicEnchanter Guest


    Yea... My study of the occult all began with the study of cryptology, so deciphering scripts is nothing new to me. I've really enjoyed this one though, gave me an opportunity to use more of my alchemic knowledge that is left otherwise unseen on this forum.

    On another note, I thought the realm of alchemic enchantment was restricted to my family, but apparently not. The system used on this one was very rudimentary however, because if an alchemic enchantment is done properly, no inscriptions are necessary. (and if an inscription is necessary it will never exceed 3 figures.) It's just interesting to know that it's not just my family that carried this idea.

  10. #20
    AlchemicEnchanter Guest


    Awesome! Thanks! I live in Michigan, So I'll have to take advantage of that. Actually, I'm only about a half hour away from the lake Michigan coastline, so this should be fun.

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