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The jigsaw puzzle fits nicely. I like the beauty of that concept. But, for me this union of all these selves doesn't really have a place in my scheme of things. I don't see any of these selves as being truly existant in any way. They are basically figments of the imagination, built up by tons of conditioning to believe in a self. But, this is Magick...at least in the more primal sense, there is alot of wonder about the whole process. This is Obsessional to a degree that a certain energy is built up around a thing, to give it some workable degree. Magick can work at levels undetected, and does this often to people who don't really have any connection with the occult. So, these selves through time gain some sort of reality, though one that isn't really real, whatever the hell that means.
So, I don't know why I went on that long ramble. I could have just as easily of said "I say I have more than one higher self based on my experiences thus far with lower selves, and just how there seems to be a pattern in many things. It is both a feeling based on what has been done by me thus far, evidence (though I think evidence is a flimsy excuse for anything) and just by it's simplicity and natural feel. Plus, I think when you have more colors (higher selves) I'll enjoy and appreciate (understand) my painting (life).