Hello everyone
Symbolism permeates all aspects of our lives and most of it occurs without our apprehension. Our perceptions of reality have been so trained to ignore these symbols that we are unable to cognize and understand their meanings. Those who use this covertly on large numbers of people know that sigils, emblems, flags, geometry, astrology can be tools used for manipulation and control. We must learn about these symbols and understand how they affect us if we going to claim any form of freedom or autonomy.
This is a thread for the sharing of our occult knowledge concerning symbols and our interpretations of their true meanings based on research and intuition.
Corporations utilize the occult power of symbols in their logos and one of the most predominant ones is the image of the sunrise. The coming of the Sun into the world every morning has represented hope and security throughout human history. It is used by corporations to lure customers by this subtle form of symbol stimulus association.
Politicians and political parties such as the Communist Party use the sunrise as well.
Other corporations:
The double cross of Freemasonry
The double square of Freemasonry
They use symbols as a language, we need to become literate.