Christmas is a trippy tradition. I'm definately doing it unconventionally this year. But I feel obliged to give some background first before explaining:
It originated in ancient mesopotamia as the 12 day Zagmuk festival. Santa originated from the babylonian god of fertility Marduk, (thought to be where the beard and hat may have originated) later evolving into the roman saturn, the norse odin, and eventually he was rebirthed again as an invention of coca-cola (with some other stuff in between of course). Marduk was worshipped during the winter solstice to ensure his victory in the battle against degradation and chaos, so that the sun would return and the world would not die. The core of the ritual was human sacrifice. The actual kings were sacrificed, until they realized that was wastful and they started sacrificing fake kings. The evolution of this celebration in ancient rome was Saturnalia. Saturn being the god of death, memories and the past, you can see how this plays out in in the Screwge story 'A Christmas Carol.'
Saturn devoured babies from birth, and Saturnalia was also known as the 'Festival of children' during which children were sacrficed for him and for the crops, as it was commonly believed at the time that childrens blood was the most fertile for crops. The tradition of 'wassailing' or "chistmas caroling" comes from the norse (whose winter tradition melded with the romans). Originally wassailing was running around town drunk while drinking a bowl of human blood. wassail meant "well health".
The Roman catholic church couldnt really have the population running around sacrificing children, So they outlawed the celebration, which did nothing to curtail the festivities. They did not manage to halt the practices until a hundred or so years later, when they figured out it would be more effective to absorb the holiday, hence making the 25th christs birthday.
The Tradition of gift giving to children (and traced back, Santa's sack) was put in place by the church as a reversal of child sacrifice, the sack of gifts having once been the sack of human remains.
The state of christmas now is kind of hilarious, with the commercialism and materialsm and overconsumption. In old europe, as winter was a time of darkness and scarcity, the hanging of wreaves became a feature of the celebration, the wreaves bearing fake painted fruit- to make people feel like it was summer again. I personally draw a parallel here to the empty and obligatory gift giving of useless crap.
WHen looking at christmas currently I see a society driven made by its own emptiness and disconnection, and when I look back at the oldest traditions I see cultures driven mad with fear of the worlds natural cycles and therefore engaging in psychotic behaviors to try and control their enviornment.
This christmas is differnt for me. I have a craving for cleansing, releasing, disowning, as a rebellion against emptyness and materialsm and trying to fill the emptiness with"fake fruit". The natural cycle of winter tells me this is a time for rest, abstention, and clearing, basically, detoxifying from all the negative **** in preperation for the new year. I;ll be making many trips to the dump and the goodwill getting rid of stuff. Im beginning a 40 day fast the day after christmas. Yes, im feeling very christ-y.
ALso there are some strong similarities between Christ and Marduk, which i just discovered after I had already made my resolutions:
As the Mesopotamians saw it, in the struggle of the New Year man faced a three-fold problem: to purify himself of the evils which his sins of the past year had brought upon him; to renew the strength which the year had drained away; and, if possible, to find a substitute who could take the consequences of the sins which he had committed. Hence the annual sacrifice of the "mock king". Christ however did the reverse in that he took responsibility for the sins of everyone. It is my belief that this "system" is the most basic powerful and effective way of magick. It is very similar to the ancient Hawaiian practice of Hooponopopo.