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Thier are quite a few ways I've used over the years but by far the best for me is something I learned out of a latin american indian book. Thier are Toneil and Nigel (probably not speeling it correctly more phonetically) These are islands that represent negitive and postive (in a more mathmatical sense) You are to imagine the great island containing everything and transfer all things to the negitive island and when you're positive island is clear you are in a deep state of meditation from thier you are left with only your "astral self." And you leave the empty postive island and travel. And that is what works for me. If that makes any sense. I should really try and find that book again.
I'd be interested in learning what that book is. It sounds interesting *scratches chin* hhmmm
Forever a student of the world, hoping the bell will never ring
"A fool who is conscious of their folly, is thereby wise. The fool who thinks himself wise is the one to be called a fool."
"The best athlete wants his opponent at his best.
The best general enters the mind of his enemy.
The best businessman serves the communal good.
The best leader follows the will of the people." -Lao Tzu
"Don't you f**king judge me!" -Slipknot