Some of the advice above is valid, though I do have to ask, why does this really matter to you?
Should you be wishing to get involved, then I could see the relevance, but being 'Black' or 'Dark' has been stigmatic for many ages now. Though, personally, there is no 'light' or 'dark' it is all down to how the tool is used, I could go into this but I won't as I cba.
Then it does come down to, how have they learned? What did they read? how do they practice/how often and when? If they are newbies at this, I, personally would not worry.
Then again, I would not worry, if they are your family and they do not see you as a threat, they will love you dearly (though, I do not know the relationship you have with them) and you will gain more from them being this way, as they will protect you to the best of thier abilities, whatever they maybe.