enochian alphabet enochian alphabet
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Thread: enochian alphabet

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    Default enochian alphabet

    has anyone else noticed this about the enochian alphabet?

    i am not sure if it was an error by dee and kelly, or if it
    was intentional, but the ordering of the enochian alphabet
    may be incorrect. which i find odd given dee's own knowledge
    of cryptography. here is what i mean.

    B K G D F A E - M I H L P Q N - X O R Z V S T

    A B C D E F G - H I L M N P Q - O R S T V X Z

    the top row is the enochian ordering and below it is the same
    set of letters in the latin/english ordering.

    following the natural order, the enochian alphabet should be,

    B K G D F A E - M I H L P O N - X Q R Z V S T

    obviously the O and Q are out of order. could it have been a
    simple error on dee or kelly. maybe when they originaly wrote
    them down they forgot to put a squiggle on the Q and couldn't
    remember which letter was which? what would that mean to the
    system as it is known today?
    Last edited by sylas vael; 01-17-2011 at 10:28 AM.

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