Why do people think the occult is evil? Is It? Why do people think the occult is evil? Is It? - Page 2
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Thread: Why do people think the occult is evil? Is It?

  1. #11
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    WoW a sister nowonder I was so attracted to this site.
    I do believe Iza your right and alot of kids are watching to many TV shows like Charmed or Supernatural or even paranormal ghost hunting shows and think this is how it is in reality.
    Its making it harder for us as a community to be taken seriously and also I believe there is a danger for kids who romanticize the paranormal.
    I had a kid yesturday email me asking me if I could cast a spell that could turn him into a Vampire. /facedesk
    “Not all meanings are meant to be clear at once. Some ideas take time. Some words are designed to lead us on inner journeys, with truth hidden deep inside them.” – Brian Froud

  2. #12
    Cartoon Character Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Broomhilda View Post
    WoW a sister nowonder I was so attracted to this site.
    I do believe Iza your right and alot of kids are watching to many TV shows like Charmed or Supernatural or even paranormal ghost hunting shows and think this is how it is in reality.
    Its making it harder for us as a community to be taken seriously and also I believe there is a danger for kids who romanticize the paranormal.
    I had a kid yesturday email me asking me if I could cast a spell that could turn him into a Vampire. /facedesk
    I am hoping that you told him yes? Because that's what we really need. Maybe you could turn him into one of those vampires that "sparkles" in sunlight and then make a gazillion dollars from his brooding, angst-ridden appearance.

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    Ghost of Shaolin I swear if you were to go through my emails i get on a general day you would go bonkers LOL I usually jut want to know why a 15yr old. Kids would want to look like the boys from Twilight.
    All I kept on thinkin was okay the dude has issues & lonely and looking to knock boots with a vampyre minion. Its just sad and more sad..
    “Not all meanings are meant to be clear at once. Some ideas take time. Some words are designed to lead us on inner journeys, with truth hidden deep inside them.” – Brian Froud

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broomhilda View Post
    Ghost of Shaolin I swear if you were to go through my emails i get on a general day you would go bonkers LOL I usually jut want to know why a 15yr old. Kids would want to look like the boys from Twilight.
    All I kept on thinkin was okay the dude has issues & lonely and looking to knock boots with a vampyre minion. Its just sad and more sad..

    That's hormones for you. Obviously, this lad has not found his inner Adonis or something and thinks this could be the only way to pull. Maybe he just wants to be able to say to lasses "Mwahaha, Vere is no escaping my enchanting good looks!".

    In all fairness to lads that want to look like this Twilight guy, Twilight guy is the son of the actor that plays Wolveriene in X-Men. So genetics may play a part in this.

    As for why people think occultism is evil, well at the end of the day it all comes down to fear. It is wrong to make assumptions about things because assumptions can always be wrong.

  5. #15
    Cartoon Character Guest


    I've heard some dandies, and I'm sure that you get some good ones too. I don't know that hormones alone can be blamed for this trend....we've all got 'em, but hormones combined with a general sense of dumb-assery can really do the trick. So, Broomhilda....will you turn me into a vampire? I'll turn you into a mummy or something as a trade. Deal?

  6. #16
    Cartoon Character Guest


    I hear that Ghost Power is much cheaper than gasoline.

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    Is it high in octane? If so I'd like to switch my race modified car to ghost power... the price of gas is just ghastly!
    -=Ex Ignorantia Ad Sapientiam; E Luce Ad Tenebras=-
    ~Khaotyk Artwerx (khaotyk-artwerx.tk)

  8. #18
    Cartoon Character Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by KashakuTatsu View Post
    Is it high in octane? If so I'd like to switch my race modified car to ghost power... the price of gas is just ghastly!
    Why, yes, it is very high in octane, among other things. And free. You just need to let me know when you want to go, so I can: 1) keep Darius and that ritual coat hanger away long enough to actually move, and 2) infuse your ride with enough juice to crank it up. I'm more than happy to help, but you may find ghost power to be even more ghastly than the price of gas. Because, I suppose that by definition it is.

    And yes, Iza.....as is your custom, you are correct. Those Christian/Satanic hybrid models really do benefit from ghost power. It's part of a kinder, gentler, greener religio-spiritual view of the afterlife. If we all do our part, we can keep the Underworld clean for future generations. It moves me to ghostly, empty, Yin tears.

  9. #19
    Cartoon Character Guest


    Yes, I know. I am quite familiar with this, Mommy Dearest. And I suppose, Mommy Darius too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by justinkl75 View Post
    By practicing magick i mean, communing with spirits or spiritual forces(the good kind), the elements and energies of nature, and causing change to things in the material world.
    You define "practicing magick" as "communing with" spirits, elements and energies, causing change to things in the material world. How would "communing with" such 'forces' result in such changes? Are you talking about 'petitioning' said forces to intervene supernaturally on your behalf? That would seem more akin to spiritual prayer than to practicing magick. By the way, you expressed skepticism about the true nature of the entities Dr John Dee believed he had contacted - they claimed to be angels, you say they could be demons instead. I don't disagree with that, but please explain how you can be certain that the "spirits or spiritual forces (the good kind)", that you in communion with, are not similarly deceptive demonic forces in disguise?

    Quote Originally Posted by justinkl75 View Post
    There isn't necessarily hidden knowledge in scriptures, occultists or esotericists may just be interpreting them in that way, trying to find hidden secrets.
    Very true. And self-deception always has been one of the foremost obstacles to deriving anything actually useful from "occult" practices. The movie "Pi" depicts this perils very astutely.

    Quote Originally Posted by justinkl75 View Post
    Yes you're right, the knowledge itself may not be forbidden, just the means of acquiring it. But then that poses the question, what means of acquiring higher knowledge are there, without using forbidden or dangerous means to do so...
    As I mentioned before, most major faiths have sanctified mysticism traditions associated with "acquiring higher knowledge". If you chose to pursue such a goal, from outside any of those traditions, you may have to accept the risk that some people might judge your chosen methods as "evil". But if you don't belong to any such major faith community, why would you care if they think what you are involved in is evil?

    Quote Originally Posted by justinkl75 View Post
    I think that if you could invoke a demon these beings must be very powerful and could give you almost anything you desired if you gave it something in return, like a sacrifice, which is what it would want because the blood has a lot of energy and power. That to me is a rational reason for these people wanting to invoke demons, power. There is a lot of things humans don't know and can't do. If you give a lot of demons a lot of things or do them a lot of favours, maybe they would give you a lot of power.
    If that was actually possible - invoke a few demons, give them something they want, then *POOF* they magickally transform you into one of the most powerful persons on earth - then surely 'invoking demons' would be all that anyone would ever do, 24/7, for their entire lives. Fortunately, that's not actually possible. To test your hypothesis, look up some of the modern persons who have committed or commanded murders (that's what human sacrifice is), and who are popularly associated in some way with something 'occult' - such as Richard Ramirez or the Manson family. Do those people possess incredible wealth & power, or are they rotting in prison cells?

    Quote Originally Posted by justinkl75 View Post
    Perfoming rituals is not inefficient or unreliable if you know exactly what you're doing and what you're calling upon and why.
    Nonsense. That statement is just a variant of the old "magick invariably works, but only if you are a True Adept" excuse for explaining away the failure of most 'spellcasting' to acheive their stated desires.

    Quote Originally Posted by justinkl75 View Post
    These people could have a pact with demons for whatever reason going back generations, who's to say they don't?
    I'll say it - they don't. No one does.

    Quote Originally Posted by justinkl75 View Post
    Regarding Astral projection....yes i guess it would be like with anything, use the right protection. What system of Astral projection do you know of that uses protection rituals, because I've never seen any.
    The old Golden Dawn knowledge lectures on the subject, are one example.

    Quote Originally Posted by justinkl75 View Post
    And see what doesn't make sense to me about using the names of god or archangels in occult rituals is that some occultists (the Gnostics who practiced kundalini raising, Helena Blavatsky) have said that the bible god is actually the demiurge or the true devil, which would make his angels evil too, so why use those names?
    Those names were used, traditionally, because the vast majority of "occult practitioners" who ever lived (at least, from 100 CE to present) were sincere, god-fearing Christians & Jews. You are correct in saying that it seems hypocritical for non Judeo-Christians to continue using such nomenclature in their own rituals.

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