iam losing myself iam losing myself - Page 2
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Thread: iam losing myself

  1. #11
    isis Guest


    i will thank you.... i am going to medatat more befor doing asteral so i can get myself back on track... i feel like i did some thing wrong and i guess i started to fight with what i was doing that night so i am jest going to go back to the begining and start all over again.... i dont know if it will work but i am going to try... thanks eveyone for your help... this is why i like to be on here...

  2. #12
    Harlock Guest


    i would do all the recogmended things, and like everyone has said, you can get hurt in the astral realm and not remember it, is your cat a familiar? if he or she is it may not be helping with this, the crystal ball when you use it might be creating a pathway of sorts (especially if you got a cat whose sensitive and new to it) cast a ritual circle before you use it and for awhile do the LBRP afterwards for awhile just on the safe side, (not in the same circle) this MIGHT help if all else fails, but this is more of a preventive measure, than anything, but try what they say first, you got some great advice no matter what, but either way keep us informed

    (sry for the late reply isis I did not see this thread)

  3. #13
    Lady Dunsany Guest


    Harlock has given some good advice and I hope you let us know how it works out and if you need anything we are here.

  4. #14
    isis Guest


    thank you everyone it has helped me out alot... i dont know if my cat is a familiar she jest showd up one day and came right in and up to my room lol... everythings goten better since i did everything that was sagested.... the broses went away fast and you cant see them now.... and i sleeping good now but still have to fight my self to go to sleep....

  5. #15
    Lady Dunsany Guest


    Continue doing what you are doing and say before you go to bed I will fall asleep and sleep the right amount of hours my body needs and I will wake up refreshed and safe. It will take a bit but every day it will get better.

  6. #16
    isis Guest


    thank you i will

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