My experiences with the Oujia Boards is that it functions mainly soley on the belief of the practioners and the receptivity of the practioners. If you open your mind and keep it empty, it will help you to better move the spirit and talk to it. The problem with Oujia Boards is it happens to go and basically force a random spirit to communicate. If you are walking down the street, you wouldn't want someone to grab you, force you into their house, tie you to a chair and demand they tell you about when their child is going to be born or whatever. It is for these reasons that a lot of unintentional thought-forms born from obsession tend to spring up and be pulled into the Oujia Board. Also the reason why many spirits tend to not be very happy.
Those who Fall will find their Heaven
and will always be adored.
In Plaudo Atri Matris!