This is so interesting! I am working to resolve traumas with a therapist, and in the process unleashing the power of my mind. I always had a very keen memory and I've had flashbacks of being an infant. A little while ago I was working out a process, a dialogue with my unconscious and the universe, and suddenly this image came to mind that felt like a memory that I had forgotten. Like a distant dream, but I can't verify it but I would like to explore this memory and why it occurred. I was on an island, with darker skin, possibly latin america. There was a sail boat, I had an affair with white men who were maybe European. I remember they had knowledge of this great Concept, God, and were spreading it to us. We were in awe of them because of their books and technology like boats and maybe writing tools. It could not have been too long ago. Then I remember sorrow? This man, was a sailor, I liked him and we had grown apart. I remember he was traveling or perhaps something horrible happened and he couldn't come get me. He was going to come to the island...costa rica? And bring me with him to his place, or live with me...either way, there was a lot of traveling and we wrote letters or I dreamed of him. Anyways, my therapist and I did eye movement integratioon and it opened up so much in so short time.
I want to continue to unlock my past.