The experience of demonic possession. The experience of demonic possession.
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Thread: The experience of demonic possession.

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    Exclamation The experience of demonic possession.

    The experience of demonic possession is like having your body re-wired, and wired badly by an external source and, your central nervous system taken over by entities that can control you 100%. This is mind control. They use sex, torture, blackmail and intimidation to entrap you and are truly terrorists. Their goal is to have you be their slave on earth.
    You will be completely unable to work or function normally for some time, even years and the rest of your life and there are no police to call to separate you and bring them to justice being done, only God.
    Consensual sex with invisible entities is giving them permission. They are also mind controlled and porno addicted by the Powers and the Rulers of wickedness and evil. The more human ones you will experience have chosen once to disobey God and gotten themselves in a heap of trouble. They are more merciful than others because they remember experience of the glory and righteousness of God and Christ and the Holy Spirit revealed to them immediately after death and wish to be redeemed from Sheol.
    Know that this is your time of testing to prove your character and integrity. God does allow it, but does not give them permission to be instruments of torture for God. Read in the New Testament, which is all about the holiness and sovereignty of the invisible God and His provision for mankind, John 3: 16 & 17 and 1 Peter 3: 18 and know that Christ died for your sins once for all the world and He is the only one who can give you true freedom. Our orders are found in Ephesians 6. You can also learn that Satan, Beelzebub and the Anti-Christ have been eternally separated from God and will experience the wrath of God at the Second Judgement. This is your fate, except by the grace and mercy of the LORD God Almighty, who will not be mocked.
    Do not serve the wicked or the evil on earth or in life after death. Serve God and serve Him only in all humility. The LORD does not use His power unrighteously and it is a holy trust we have in Him to manage the invisible powers of wickedness and evil and protect and save us from them.

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    At first I wasnt going to respond to this post, simply because you seem deeply cemented in your beliefs. I'm not saying this is bad, but usually that means you will do anything it takes to prove these beliefs right even when the disputable evidence is sound. So I will present the evidence and if need be I will go copy paste word for word every judaic website (only the ones written by rabbi to keep their authenticity) that talks about this subject from the jewish point of view. First of all the jews do not believe lucifer or Samael (forgive spelling I don't have my notes in front of me) is a rebelled angel at all. They believe he is still an angel (an extension of God) just with the job of wicked temptation. They even believe that it saddens him when we fall for his temptations, which it is then his job to testify against us to God. Jews like to point out the book of job where lucifer is still in heaven talking with God about his follower job. You also used the word sheol (once again forgive me if I spelled that wrong, it is not a word I use often). Now according to the rabbi the human soul can only stay there for twelve months, where it is purified. In a way much like purgatory for the catholics. This is all jewish belief I'm not sure when or why the christian system deviated from this, unless it happened during the council of nicea and the six meetings after it. But one can see an obvious problem, if lucifer had rebelled or if there were a hell the jews would belief the same thing because their works are also from God, never forget jesus was a jew so he would have believed in the torah and the basic jewish tenants, and hell was nt part of them.

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    They will react that way to you, because you believe they will.
    Those who Fall will find their Heaven
    and will always be adored.

    In Plaudo Atri Matris!

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    Quote Originally Posted by In Christ View Post
    The experience of demonic possession is like having your body re-wired, and wired badly by an external source and, your central nervous system taken over by entities that can control you 100%. This is mind control. They use sex, torture, blackmail and intimidation to entrap you and are truly terrorists. Their goal is to have you be their slave on earth.
    You will be completely unable to work or function normally for some time, even years and the rest of your life and there are no police to call to separate you and bring them to justice being done, only God.
    Consensual sex with invisible entities is giving them permission. They are also mind controlled and porno addicted by the Powers and the Rulers of wickedness and evil. The more human ones you will experience have chosen once to disobey God and gotten themselves in a heap of trouble. They are more merciful than others because they remember experience of the glory and righteousness of God and Christ and the Holy Spirit revealed to them immediately after death and wish to be redeemed from Sheol.
    Know that this is your time of testing to prove your character and integrity. God does allow it, but does not give them permission to be instruments of torture for God. Read in the New Testament, which is all about the holiness and sovereignty of the invisible God and His provision for mankind, John 3: 16 & 17 and 1 Peter 3: 18 and know that Christ died for your sins once for all the world and He is the only one who can give you true freedom. Our orders are found in Ephesians 6. You can also learn that Satan, Beelzebub and the Anti-Christ have been eternally separated from God and will experience the wrath of God at the Second Judgement. This is your fate, except by the grace and mercy of the LORD God Almighty, who will not be mocked.
    Do not serve the wicked or the evil on earth or in life after death. Serve God and serve Him only in all humility. The LORD does not use His power unrighteously and it is a holy trust we have in Him to manage the invisible powers of wickedness and evil and protect and save us from them.
    Magick is of one colour. Doesn't exits black, white, green, red... the Will of the Human Nature is one. But one doesn't enough, so we have many nature in ourself. Your experience with demons and God are personal and maybe also us have ours. So, you find yourself in the Bible, we find ourselves in ourself. We don't seek God, nor don't worship angel, saint, etc. Now, do you understand? You can not judge us with your knowledge, because the human is of one colour, not five. Doesn't exits the person whom have reason, the other one that doesn't have. Exits two polarity. This discourse is escatologic, not logic. You can have reason, how we can have the ours.

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    Quote Originally Posted by devakxes View Post
    They will react that way to you, because you believe they will.
    I'm just use to truth being treated with hostility ex. Malcom x, jfk and many others who were KILLED for simply speaking about having a better place... I know first hand people will cling to beliefs even when something shows evidence otherwise, its only natural human psychology though.

  6. #6
    Cartoon Character Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Iza View Post
    ah no one can be possessed unless they want it, and even then it is much in the mind.
    Traditional Daoist theory says the same thing. Also that so-called "demons" would rather feed on us than possess us to do things that they can probably do anyway since they're functioning at a higher level of awareness than the majority of humans.

  7. #7
    Cartoon Character Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by In Christ View Post
    The experience of demonic possession is like having your body re-wired, and wired badly by an external source and, your central nervous system taken over by entities that can control you 100%. This is mind control. They use sex, torture, blackmail and intimidation to entrap you and are truly terrorists. Their goal is to have you be their slave on earth.
    You will be completely unable to work or function normally for some time, even years and the rest of your life and there are no police to call to separate you and bring them to justice being done, only God.
    Consensual sex with invisible entities is giving them permission. They are also mind controlled and porno addicted by the Powers and the Rulers of wickedness and evil. The more human ones you will experience have chosen once to disobey God and gotten themselves in a heap of trouble. They are more merciful than others because they remember experience of the glory and righteousness of God and Christ and the Holy Spirit revealed to them immediately after death and wish to be redeemed from Sheol.
    Know that this is your time of testing to prove your character and integrity. God does allow it, but does not give them permission to be instruments of torture for God. Read in the New Testament, which is all about the holiness and sovereignty of the invisible God and His provision for mankind, John 3: 16 & 17 and 1 Peter 3: 18 and know that Christ died for your sins once for all the world and He is the only one who can give you true freedom. Our orders are found in Ephesians 6. You can also learn that Satan, Beelzebub and the Anti-Christ have been eternally separated from God and will experience the wrath of God at the Second Judgement. This is your fate, except by the grace and mercy of the LORD God Almighty, who will not be mocked.
    Do not serve the wicked or the evil on earth or in life after death. Serve God and serve Him only in all humility. The LORD does not use His power unrighteously and it is a holy trust we have in Him to manage the invisible powers of wickedness and evil and protect and save us from them.

    So that's what the New Testament is all about? Thank you for explaining it. I do have one question though: since Christ died for my sins (and the sins of all humankind) once and for all, then what does it matter, and why can't I do whatever I want? My sins have already been atoned for, and my spiritual slate wiped clean. Also, how could a demon even tolerate being in my presence, much less inhabit my body, since I've been washed in the Blood of the Lamb? I would think this would make me impervious to the sinful lusts of this world, and also keep pesky demons safely away.

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    Well put questions Ghost, often wondered those myself during those conversations lol.

    Besides the entirety of the OP tweaking me... the part I'm really getting hung up on is the "He is the only one who can give you true freedom" part. Personally I don't see forcing myself to go against my instincts to the level it feels mortally wrong (like killing for a majority of people) and live in a constant state of "fight or flight" for the sake of a morality I've never liked since I was little "freedom" (yes I'm saying I've never swallowed the whole evil/good, devil/god, angel/demon modality for as long as I can remember). lol

    perhaps I was born possessed and it's a stubborn entity that won't let me go D: XD
    -=Ex Ignorantia Ad Sapientiam; E Luce Ad Tenebras=-
    ~Khaotyk Artwerx (

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    Quote Originally Posted by In Christ View Post
    The experience of demonic possession is like having your body re-wired, and wired badly by an external source and, your central nervous system taken over by entities that can control you 100%. This is mind control. They use sex, torture, blackmail and intimidation to entrap you and are truly terrorists. Their goal is to have you be their slave on earth.
    Sounds more like Christianity!

    Consensual sex with invisible entities is giving them permission. They are also mind controlled and porno addicted by the Powers and the Rulers of wickedness and evil.
    Again sounds more like priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church

    Read in the New Testament, which is all about the holiness and sovereignty of the invisible God and His provision for mankind, John 3: 16 & 17 and 1 Peter 3: 18 and know that Christ died for your sins once for all the world and He is the only one who can give you true freedom.
    Oddly enough, that book insists We are All born into Sin, even though it was absolved . . . funny book.

    The LORD does not use His power unrighteously and it is a holy trust we have in Him to manage the invisible powers of wickedness and evil and protect and save us from them.
    Now now, Yet, according to your own scriptures:
    -God kills 70,000 innocent people because David ordered a census of the people (1 Chronicles 21)

    -God also orders the destruction of 60 cities so that the Israelites can live there. -He orders the killing of all the men, women, and children of each city, and the looting of all of value (Deuteronomy 3)

    -He orders another attack and the killing of “all the living creatures of the city: men and women, young, and old, as well as oxen sheep, and asses” (Joshua 6)

    -In (Judges 21) He orders the murder of all the people of Jabesh-gilead

    Just about every other page in the Old Testament has God killing somebody!
    -In (2 Kings 10:18-27) God orders the murder of all the worshipers of a different god in their very own church!

    In total God kills 371,186 people directly and orders another 1,862,265 people murdered
    Doesn't sound like He is protecting us from the powers of "Evil" & "Wickedness" . . . sounds more like this god IS the powers of "Evil" & "Wickedness".

    Come over the the Dark Side my Son . . . or at least get down off of that cross, we could use the wood.

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    Etumalku u read my mind posting the exact examples to debate this apparent brick wall. If its sinful to be man and to indulge in what we enjoy then by all means I'm greatful for it no God who calls itself merciful but kills innocents in the millions will recieve my obedience. No offense but the bible written by man and revised several times by man is no word of your god that's worth following. Everything else by the above members have alrdy covered everything I can say lol. Nuff said

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