I have been in situations where I needed to point out this obvious fact. After I did this, the things I have encountered have subsided. Strong things fall for this simple spell if you have the right mindset. My experience is that this spell requires very much work. Physical work that is imprinted in your mind. Block everything connected to clairvoyance, spells or rituals. Also, some variant of this spell involves something about work, live and sleep. If you are intuitive you will find the exact words and thoughts you need to go through your mind once you do this spell. Anybody got similar experiences?
Sometimes when I go to sleep I can see the darkness as manifesting into a dark mass that is just hovering in the space where there is not supposed to be anything. This spell has removed it. That is why I have this addition to the spell about honest physical work. Because this seems like a spell that blocks many things. If there is black magic involved, I add that the blood of the innocents will get justice to those who trespass. I feel it is a very white spell, and though meditation it can be empowered even more. I'm born into a special sign, so perhaps that's why it works so well for me?