Australian Satanism + the Temple of THEM Australian Satanism + the Temple of THEM
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Thread: Australian Satanism + the Temple of THEM

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    Default Australian Satanism + the Temple of THEM

    THEM, is a formation of six black magicians who represent an Australian contribution to Satanism. Formed in 2003 by a small group of Initiates trained in the exoteric and esoteric systems of the Order of Nine Angles, and a whole range of other black magical occult systems, it operates an online nexion called "Mvimaedivm" to teach, guide and instruct others in its unique methodology and black magical principles. THEM's primary goal is to presence the Dark Gods via a physical Australian Nexion, and implement a number of magical goals to effect certain global changes, all planned in a long-term strategic assault designed to give young Australia - a significant Sinister History.

    In its short lifetime, THEM and its Initiates have managed to catapult Australia to the forefront of Satanic and Occult consciousness as a serious contender amongst the already well-established Satanic communities and groups; expound countless aspects of the Order of Nine Angles in its hundreds of essays, volumes, and teachings as well as develop a new unique and aggressive strain of Satanism that deals in Narrative magic and the power of Forms a system that bypasses contradiction and clarifies the appearance of the occult from the essence; generate unique concepts and ideas that have infiltrated the occult community and become part of a highly influential means to work magic on a National Scale as per the directives of Aeonics and Aeonic Magic.

    Anyone wishing to discuss the Temple of THEM is invited to do so, publically or privately. However a longer introduction will be posted here, and stay, pending kind permission of the Moderators of this Occult Forum.

    ISS (In Sinister Solidarity)
    Temple of THEM, Australia

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    Default An Introduction to THEM

    "Hello, the following is an introduction to the Satanic group "THEM" - who actively represent the Australian Nexion of the infamous British group, the Order of Nine Angles. It is an older manuscript but nonetheless presents the unique and rising strain of satanism cultivated in Australia, and serves as a basic introduction to many of our black magical principles. It has however, been shortened to fit OF requirements. A full version is avail. by request."


    [ I ] Membership Enquiry into THEM

    ...The internet, while useful for communicating ideas and trading opinions, building a network, helping people with their questions and providing guidance of a sort from a distance – is not conducive to finding people to perform intimate and dangerous black magick with, and as such, we do not actively seek members for THEM in the traditional way, but via a mode that has become apparent to us in the magnetic powers of the Self.

    A person who has or actively seeks to abandon all distractions and can apprehend the world for what it is by undertaking all necessary means to understand oneself and to become aware of the ego, the self, and the reunion of these two facets into a super-consciousness that bridges the total psyche - can gain access to greater levels of otherwise subliminal information fed from the psyche to the self via dreams, unconscious activities made conscious, art and other subtle signs. A person who can use that information to update, check, re-program, and reshape oneself, guiding oneself toward the experiences that one's psyche cries out for – to strengthen, weaken, and otherwise meld together an inhuman, or “First Human” capable of feats of thought that dwarf and surpass the modes used by the times we live in that restrict experience and impose morality, unnatural pressures, and blind obedience; is a person both rare and powerful.

    Some persons are unable to delve into their psyche deeply enough to affect it without suffering severe trauma, discomfort and psychological damage. Then there are those that overcome the restrictions of the bio-machinery set up by our ego to discover and learn about each facet deeply, until such time the ego and self work together, can be made congruent and actively useful in a conscious and directed way that allows the genius of dreams, of inspiration, of originality to surface as a greater manifestation of our acausal nature. Accordingly, such a person needs no temple and has no need of ritual. Such a person could understand that all is illusion, but also that at some point in time they must become dark and self-possessed, gathering energies by choosing holograms that Wyrd has shown them will birth creations capable of propelling their way further onward. But progressing further is often extremely difficult at such a level. Black magical experience has revealed that with the emergence of the Self: the being’s co-nexion with the Acausal undergoes intense alchemical changes. But the mergence of several Self-types into a ring of empathic nexions; has had unforeseen results and allowed profound insight into the Acausal and the phenomenon of Synchronicity.

    THEM, comprised of a number of persons who are sinister and self-possessed, believe the empathy given to us as a group is of an extremely rare nature; it is an intense organic that has developed over a number of years and is shared only by us. Each of us have been involved in magical groups and each of us have practiced the teachings of the Order of Nine Angles [ONA] (some more deeply than others) and each came away with an understanding that is not human. A part of that understanding is that others, who come to know the Self, will be part of a growing force that is the presence of the emerging tip of the Aeon of Fire. If this force is nurtured; and because there is a half dozen of us with this empathy we believe it such a rarity that some kind of Wyrdic propulsion is at hand for this to have happened in the first place; THEM believe that this is the beginning of something hideous and membranous yet to reveal itself. One person, freed or attempting to free oneself from the chains of the current ethos; the “Tree of Wyrd”, is a force within the human matrix to be reckoned with, but six is a cohesion rarely seen, except perhaps realized by members of our peers, the ONA.

    The forces and circumstances that allow persons to cohese so strongly are rare to say the least. Groups are often brought about by similar and intimate contact on a frequent basis – but that alone is not enough to give a group genuine solidarity. Solidarity cannot be emphasized enough as a key factor in the creation of environments and persons that enable change – and is unfortunately one of the greatest energies missing from those that practice Satanism and other types of activity in modern times intended to alter what Is, to what could be. THEM believe, that true solidarity, void of petty squabbling and the power-play that leads to entropy and destruction of a group – can only be achieved when each member is free from the possession of their ego and has developed synchronous empathy with first, oneself, secondly, the acausal, and thirdly, understands the paradoxical significance and insignificance of the human being. This is not a circle that can be entered by will or good intentions to assist in the Sinister War alone – it must be apparent that you possess the necessary requisites to become “First Human”.

    THEM offer guidance from our perspective regarding what members might need to experience or undertake, in order to grow and outgrow current chains, again and again – but we cannot make your ego and your Self unite. Only you can do that – and that is why access to THEM is difficult. In fifteen years, only three persons have I ever met capable of working genuine heartfelt black magick with, none of which I met on the internet. Also, performing highly personal rituals such as ONA, or even other magickal systems, for me and for my partner requires a powerful bond of trust and love that has taken many years and endured countless hardships successfully to achieve. We cannot imagine doing this with persons we do not know, or persons we come to know from the internet. Owing to the capriciousness of human nature there is a risk of clients becoming vindictive, potentially exposing us and what we do, which is not limited to writing on internet forums, and we are not willing to let that occur. It is expected, that to keep our secrecy from being betrayed, those who come to us understand the importance of remote solidarity and why they must be physically separated from the Temple and its members.

    As more and more persons become self-possessed, it is anticipated, owing to what has been understood from the works of Jung, Nietzsche and others that have presenced a similar meme, that these persons will, if sustained by other persons possessed of self, and not drowned out and extinguished by ego – solidify as a movement of persons whose thought processes will be symbolic. A change that will aid the stripping of the importance of the matrix, of employment, of commerce, of finance, of economics, of concern for the illusion that this is the only world, etc and establish a new species of being that seeks to become first human, above and beyond all other concerns. The first human is a being that seeks to undo the chains that bind - being possessed of a profound interest in comprehending existence. A being that is not afraid of opening the yawning gates of the Abyss – working to integrate the animal mind and the ego consciousness as one, dealing with the shadow, the anima, the animus and many other tangled knots that thwart growth of the human being – and morph into a formidable shape-shifter; freed of the current of the Aeon and truly defiant of the matrix of form.

    THEM has many meanings, it is not just indicative of a group of people, it also means Them, the Dark Gods, and their voice that issues through when the vein of the subconscious is tapped and directs the psyche beyond ego impulses and contrivances. It is the state that is experienced when Self and Ego become active as two powers that can direct one, and embodies the loss of identity that allows one to become a shape shifter – this separates US, from them. It is also a term to denote someone who has truly built their own self image devoid of others expectations that shrugs off the world’s and societies roles with friends, family etc., as projections that aim to force a person into a role and play by the laws of the matrix. A being that can smash all intellectual chains into dust, possessed of a determination of the will that others stand in awe and fear of. Furthermore, the word THEM is an appropriation of a Magian fear meme. When people quote an unknowable source in relating a scientific or religious fact, they generalise and thus create an illusory authoritarian figure, "they" i.e. "they say that…" or "that's what they say" that builds on the fear felt by all in thrall to the matrix, that gives psychological and magickal credence to one’s claims. We have stolen that "They…" and it has become "THEM"....
    Last edited by ThoTh; 01-23-2009 at 11:17 AM. Reason: clarity

  3. #3
    Lady Dunsany Guest


    Thank You.

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    You wouldn't happen to be FLAY on the old forum...would you?
    Prick your finger it is done
    The Moon has now eclipsed the Sun
    The Angel has spread its wings
    The time has come for bitter things

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    Yes, actually. What happened to the old forum?
    Last edited by ThoTh; 01-24-2009 at 08:43 AM.

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    Default x

    - restoring thread to original location by posting a msg -

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    Default On a Study of the Tree of Wyrd: Suggested Reading

    Tree of Wyrd: Suggested Reading

    (Note: This suggested reading list has been compiled following a request for ona mss that will aid in a greater understanding of the Tree of Wyrd. Some of the mss listed are those released directly commenting on the symbolism of the tree itself – while others listed are important because they relate or illuminate aspects or certain misconceptions of the nature/essence/vehicle of the Tree that some other mss dealing with the TOW tend to generate when only the symbology and correspondences are studied. What is vitally important to keep in mind during study of the MSS, is that to get the most out of the ONA system (or any system IMHO) is that what is taught must be understood Holistically – i.e. All of the works of the ONA should be read, cross-referenced, compared, tested, and mentally collated because they represent one unified expression – broken into many pieces, yes – but nonetheless unified. It is difficult to fairly appraise something with esoteric qualities without all the available evidence present – and a study of the Tree involves more than just an understanding of the symbolism employed. Thus I have included some other mss that I believe compliment any study of the Tree interrelated as it is, with many other aspects of Traditional Satanism. Like many aspects of the ONA – there are layers to it. There are the preliminary correspondences and symbols to learn, then provided means to delve deeper into the symbols via various ways to express/build/interact with the Tree and its archetypes; then, further understanding to learn of its development, history, meta-history; understanding of the appearance and essence of the Tree and its use in ONA magic; its use in Aeonic manipulation; more abstract concepts such as the importance of symbolism in the role of man itself, the motivational powers of form, perhaps culminating in questions as to the necessity of Symbol itself, and so on…It is not an easy concept to grasp by looking at it one way, because it does not exist to be understood in isolation or isolated terms.”
    -ThoTh +O+ / ONA ~Australian Nexion)

    Note: Not given in any particular order of importance.

    1. NAOS
    2. The Black Books of Satan (certain editions better than others – i.e. CB versions contain some description of Dark God workings, while some later versions omit several diagrams explaining the Nine Angles Symbolism.)
    3. Notes on the Septenary / Abyss etc from the Appendix in NAOS.
    4. A Guide to Black Magick
    5. The Alchemy of Magick
    6. Concerning the Traditions of the ONA
    7. Crowley, Satan and the Sinister Way
    8. Manipulation I
    9. Esoteric Synistry
    10. Notes on Esoteric Tradition I (Venus Sphere – Nasz Dom)
    11. A Note on Seven
    12. Aeonic Magick: A Basic Introduction (Contains the connexion of the Tree to the ‘bifurcation’ of two kinds of time as understood by AL.)
    13. Civilizations, Aeons, and Individuals.
    14. The Lands of the Dark Immortals
    15. A Question of Being
    16. A Question of Time
    17. A Note Concerning The Symbology of The Dark Gods
    18. Azoth: Ephemera of the ONA
    19. The Mythos of the Dark Gods: Beings of Acausal Darkness
    20. Mastery: Its Real Meaning and Significance
    21. Magick, The Sinister, Aeons, and The Psyche of The Folk: Esoteric Notes XXIX
    22. ONA Esoteric Notes 103
    23. Practising the Sinister Presence (TOB Mss – unreleased / mvimaedivm only)
    24. Study Notes on Septenary (From Part I or II of NAOS)
    25. The Inner Meaning of the Seven-Fold Way
    26. The Reality of Magick
    27. The Septenary, Crowley, and the Origins of The ONA
    28. Sigil of the Order of Nine Angles
    29. Dark Forces Words (By Hagur)
    30. Accumulated Notes on the Diamond Body* (+O+ mss)
    31. Mythos
    32. Oto Anorha #29
    33. On Angles and Curves: Part II
    33. Beyond the Adept
    34. Defending the ONA
    35. Five-Dimensional Magick

    I’ve also googled a few links, scanned the info and agree with the explanations given in these few links for the meaning of Wyrd – involving as I think it does the particular (often unique) weltanschauung of the world one holds that influences the particular way in which they perceive, process and manipulate the geometry of the world and its contents to bring about an environment or state of events or being they believe is decreed for them and their particular vehicle (person) by a Cosmic or Higher law of destiny.

    Wyrdsmiths: Wyrd Myths
    What is Wyrd?

    * As was paraphrased for ONA in Oto Anorha #29, the essential two traditional elements to be passed on via the Sinister Tradition are a) the mythos of the dark ones, b) the nature and importance of seven/the septenary system. What also seems to characterize and make the essence of the Sinister Tradition unique (and occasionally hostile) is its insistence upon the preservation of the Septenary system of the ancient world (and Aryans) as opposed to the Jewish distortion that introduced additional (unnecessary according to the order) number systems such as 12 and the tacking on of again, distorted, and unnecessary addendum to the essence of magick – resulting for example in the Sephiroth and the
    “Q-blah”. A study of the Diamond Body – mentioned occasionally as the goal of the Immortal – is useful in adding some context to the important difference in the vehicle of the Tree of Wyrd expressing not only the septenary mode but also the bifurcation of time into the acausal and causal - vs the Sephiroth whose exoteric structure is cluttered with correspondences but whose esoteric system lacks the aesthetic vivifying esoteric resonance of sacred geometry that ties the TOW in with the tetrahedron, the psyche, the past, the west, and the two idioms of time. Comments to this effect were made in an issue of Fenrir concerning the Tarot symbolism of the Q-blah.

    (I also suggest studying the piezoelectric and resonant qualities of Quartz, molecular structure of Quartz, to get a sense of how the tetrahedron bridges various aspects of the Sinister Tradition. There are many unanswered questions concerning the origin of the TOW – ONA attempted to answer most of these in the mss relating to their history and origins.)

    Although the Sinister Tradition condemns the practice of the Q-blah – knowing what the Q-blah teaches greatly helps one to contrast and appreciate the sometimes overt, sometimes subtle differences between the Sephiroth/Tree of Wyrd – Aryan/Semitic ethos and attitude – Magian and Sinister ideologies.

    Finally – the mss concerning the Septenary system written by the ONA are just one (albeit extensive) representation and product of research into the importance of Seven. Part of the Sinister Tradition involves the expansion of it by its initiates and adepts – a flexible living thriving body of knowledge, accumulated and added to or taken from as time goes by. Of its origins - many questions remain unanswered.

    Last edited by ThoTh; 03-17-2009 at 05:38 AM. Reason: Added further information.

  8. #8
    Lady Dunsany Guest


    I hit the link, and I seem to remember I read this a while ago but never put it together with anything other than I enjoyed reading it, unless I dreamed it.

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    Default New: THEM Wordpress

    THEM Wordpress
    http://templeofthem .wordpress. com/

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    Default Galactica CD Released

    The Black Glyph Society is Honoured to host and announce the release of ‘Galactica’ - A sinister soundscape created by the O7Stars Nexion.

    “Nearly 40 minutes of cold Cosmic ambience, dark atmosphere and deep-rooted longing for the stars. A vague cry out toward the interstellar fields of emptiness and utter stillness, where only Gods have wandered. . .”

    A Special Edition ltd. to 21 copies / A Standard Edition to follow.

    'Galactica' by O of 7 Stars Nexion (Music & Audio) in Religious & Spiritual

    ISS 07Stars,


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