The following is an Introduction to Traditional Satanism as practiced and expounded by the Order of Nine Angles (ONA). It was originally hosted on a site called Nasz Dom as a guide to the prospective initiate, but even today, 14 years on, still represents the essence of the ONA as though it were written yesterday. It is an excellent introduction to this particular system, which system is known as 'Hebdomadry' or 'The Seven-Fold Sinister Way'. I have entered it in 3 parts.
An Introduction to Traditional Satanism
© Anton Long & ONA. 1994eh.
[Part I]
Essentially, the difference between the ONA and other groups which profess to belong to the 'Left Hand Path' or which claim to be Satanic is that the ONA seeks to realistically guide its members along the difficult and dangerous path of self-development, the goal of which is the creation of an entirely new individual. This path is fundamentally a quest for self-excellence and wisdom.
We believe that there is no easy way to real knowledge and insight of the 'Occult' kind - that each individual must walk this path and achieve things for themselves. There are no 'ceremonies', no magickal 'rites', not even any teachings which can provide the individual with genuine wisdom: real wisdom is only and always attained by the personal effort of the individual over many years. It is the result of a synthesis - a development of the dark side and an integration of that aspect of our being thus creating a complete, more evolved individual. Furthermore, the means to this attainment are essentially practical; that is, they involve the individual undergoing certain formative, character-developing experiences 'in the real world' rather than in some pseudo-mystical, pseudo-intellectual 'magickal rite' or sitting at the feet of some pretentious 'master'.
For us, Satanism is a quest involving real personal danger where the individual Initiate undertakes genuine challenges which take them to and beyond their limits: physical, 'mental' and psychic. This quest, in its beginnings, involves the individual in exploring their 'hidden' or 'dark' side - and a part of this is participation in overtly Occult and magickal ceremonies and rites. This beginning - where the new Initiate participates in and later conducts Satanic rituals such as the 'Black Mass' - enables the individual to explore this dark side, to gradually understand it, make it more conscious, and thus control it. An aspect of this making-conscious, is symbolism - such as the 'septenary system' - where various Occult/magickal energies are symbolised in certain ways via a system of correspondences. This symbolism enables the energies dealt with to be objectified and thus consciously understood - this in itself makes possible an integration of the 'dark' side. Thus, there is a synthesis - a dynamic, conscious, moving-forward by the individual: an evolution of personality. Insight is gained. In psychological terms, there is the start of "individuation". This leads to a practical experiencing of the sinister, and thus further personal development, further building of character.
Because of the type of practical experiences, the type of challenges, the individual undertakes, the character so formed is - viewed conventionally - Satanic. There is a defiance of restrictions, a proudness, an experience and then understanding of those things that the religion of the Nazarene frowns upon. In Nietzschean terms, there is a practical living of a "master-morality". The person created via these experiences is the type to inspire a certain terror/awe in the supine majority, weaned as that majority have been by the softness of the Nazarene ethic.
However, this individual has only begun the process. That is, the type of character so described (which results from these early experiences) is not even what we would call an Adept: of the seven stages of this sinister way (or practical alchemy), this practical involvement in the 'Occult' via ceremonies and such things as organizing and running a Satanic group, describe just the first two stages of the way. Furthermore, even this beginning takes some years - and this beginning requires the individual to succeed by their own efforts, by their own will and determination. That is, there are no 'magickal grades' or titles awarded for money or sycophancy [as in all other so-called 'Satanic' groups] - what the individual achieves, in terms of 'magickal grades', they achieve through their own toil, through undergoing the experiences which create the type of character appropriate to a particular stage of the way being followed.
Thus, each stage of this way has associated with it certain tasks, certain experiences, which the individual must undertake by themselves in their own time. It is these and these alone which bring self-insight, mastery, understanding and skill - both 'occult' and personal. All the ONA does, at each stage and for each member, is offer advice - based on experience. That is, the ONA guides its members - it offers a practical system whereby real wisdom may be attained. The onus is on the individual to achieve the goal.
For us, Satanism is all about the creation of proud, strong, characterful, insightful individuals - individuals who have gone beyond the majority and who thus represent a higher type. Genuine Satanic groups do not seek subservient, decadent, weak-willed followers. They seek to create a real elite - almost a new race of beings. Of course, this is not easy - it is really dangerous. Quite often, new Initiates fail because of the difficulty or because they lack the essential desire to succeed. But that is how evolution works - the strong overcome challenges and evolve; the others stay where they are, descend, or are destroyed.
Thus, Satanism is élitist - it does not compromise. It is not really for the majority. The tests, the ordeals, the methods of genuine Satanism are tough and severe because only such things will create the right type of person. These things cannot be made easier, less tough, less dangerous: to do so would destroy the essence of Satanism itself.
After the early stages of the way - which involve direct experience of the sinister both via rituals, magickal groups and undertaking certain sinister tasks - the individual moves on [if I said one such early task involved culling, or Satanic sacrifice, it is possible to appreciate the difficulty and danger]. That is, the Satanic novice gains more understanding of themselves, and the world, by more experiences - they move toward a real individuation, a synthesis of conscious/unconscious, light and sinister. Part of this involves them undertaking a specific task for some months, and it is this task - based on the foundations the previous, early, stages of the way have built - that creates a genuine Adept. This task requires the candidate for Adeptship to live alone, in an isolated area, for three months (usually from Spring Equinox to Summer Solstice) - to talk with no one, to live frugally, with no modern conveniences, no wireless, no modern 'distractions', in a shelter they have built [in recent years, the rules have been relaxed and a tent is allowed]. The aim of this is for them to experience themselves and Nature without any distractions - to really get to know themselves and the natural energies which exist, as those energies are (and not as books, or 'teachers' or theories describe those energies). This, of course, is very difficult. It requires real determination; it requires the individual to face themselves, and all their fears. It is a severe test of character - and of their Satanic resolve. Most individuals who get this far (and that is not very many, over the past few decades) give up after a while - they find excuses to return to the world and its comforts. The classic excuse is the delusion that they have actually 'attained' Adeptship in a few days or perhaps weeks of isolation. And it is a delusion - for it is only by living in such a harsh, isolated way for at least three months that a real Adept is created. Naturally, other so-called Satanic or Left Hand Path groups award a spurious 'Adeptship' to their members/followers: or those members/followers award it to themselves, usually after some boring, pompous, totally meaningless ceremony.