About the lodges in freemasonry:
It seems that they turn to the Worshipful Master (who has ceremonial tasks) during meetings and rituals. This always the eastern side of the room.
I did some background research myself and found that the masons supposably turn east, because the Dogon (or the Sirius star) is the central point to head to. Freemasonry is based on a lot of Egyptian symbols and other customs, i.e. the eye of Horus.
Because the star (in Egypt) used to rise in the east, this is also known as the 'Eastern star' in occultism, is this correct?
The Egyptians based their calender on the Sirius star (the brightest star from the Earth's point of view), perhaps the freemasons adopted that idea?
The rise of Sirius is on the 21st of june (= the summer solstice), this is also a day to perform certain rituals.
Sirius also stands for Isis, 'mother of all Gods', and the sighting of this star signifies the beginning of a new year.
Furthermore, masons perform special rituals build around the rise, the highest and lowest points (equinoxes) and the 'under-going' of the star.
Why do so many occultist rituals (besides the masons) revolve around the Sirius star? What is the meaning of this star?
I'm not an occultist myself, but I'm very interested, so I hope that someone could answer these questions.