How do i clean tarot cards ?? Just open the plastic wrapping and put the whole deck including the box in salt ??
How do i clean tarot cards ?? Just open the plastic wrapping and put the whole deck including the box in salt ??
1.)With Great Powers, Come With Great Responsibility. ~Spider Man~
2.) Every body falls down but it's how fast you get up that counts ~ Driven ~ (Everybody screws up, but how fast you correct the mistake and learn from it is what counts the most.)
if you are still taking your classes with Redhand go yo cartomancy it is one of the lessons
you need to now
if you are in witchcraft it is in lesson 5
I was pretty sure salt cleanses everything but,I never cleaned or did anything with my cards.I just started reading.
When it comes to 'cleaning' my tarot deck, I usually just run the cards through the incense a couple of times. Frankincense/Myrrh, nag champa or sage are fantastic choice - just make sure that the scent that you choose is pleasing to you.
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