Did Satan create us? Did Satan create us? - Page 4
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Thread: Did Satan create us?

  1. #31
    Light Guest


    Hmmm.....well, the stories that where told at this school at that level, was an introduction to our theology lessons, mythology lessons, etc... Later the stories where re-visited and seen as more symbolic rather than, how it literally was ...When some of the students, asked the teachers about was this really what happened , they would always reply that these are the stories that where told by people, many years ago, so you will have to work out for yourselves, what you beleive in , as everyone will beleive differently, as we all are unique....
    Therefore I think there where never a sence of hostility to any faith or religion, but only an acceptance that this is what was told, we had to work out what it meant for ourselves, if we chose to do so... Some didn't care , that was also alright, as we where all different...also, we where given in one of the lessons a few practise sessions of 'seeing how, stories travel', where one person gives information and it would travel through the class with the students and the last student, would then write down, what they heard from the second last student...this exapmle was given, to show how everyone percieved things differently, asume different things, etc...and what it can end up being.
    At times it was quite factual of what had been said by the first student, but most of the time it was totally different...
    I think it did makes us more humble at an very early age and see things in a different way, more of an witness to what we where taught , rather than being in a place of debating who is right or wrong and what's true or not...it became more of an :- it is what it is....maybe an openess as well, that has carried with me to my adulthood, to find the path best suited for me and still going on, with learning more ....
    And as far as God, what is it ? Who is he ? How can anyone seriously answear this, in a logical way, that everyone can understand or relate to...all I can see is that, we can all share our own amazingly different perceptions, what we've read, what we've learned through our own life experiences, .. etc...
    I personally do not beleive in a man sitting on a cloud, looking down at us, but it to be more complex than that....
    And Jesus, yes I do belive he was a man with a new way of thinking in his time or maybe the thought of a man like Jesus, was needed in that era and that time, for things to shift again, it really being just evolution..

    Blessings to you all

  2. #32
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    The oldest cults that worshipped Satan were supposed to be the Cathars who viewed God to be one and the same with the Biblical Devil. The main schism was that some worshipped Jesus and thought he was not the devil. These people were ascetics and were called ''The Perfect''. However, some indulged in Sin and worldly practices because they believed that Jesus was truely the son of the devil.

    There were also similar gnostic cults that worshipped Satan believeing him to be a rebel archon (ruler) who desired us to be freed... since we had the divine spark and could be liberated. This group of gnostics believed the world to be evil and God to be the true ''evil one''. Satan was the liberator who could return the world to Chaos... its' true original purity.

    You also had gnostic cults that believed satan and god were one and that the true spiritual pleroma (group of gods who functioned as One... and thus in a sense were one just as your feet and hands are both parts of you) was the true God. However, this ''demiurge'' created by Sophia (wisdom)... created Matter... except he lost his divinity through the creation of matter and this was passed on to Adam and Eve. Now it is our turn to go and break free from matter. Matter is evil because it is not ideal and the creator was made separate from the pleroma. Thus the demiurge is Satan and is supposed to be equated with the old testament God. Jesus was seen by the gnostics to be an Aeon or part of the pleroma... and was sent to redeem us from this world.

    I don't hold these beliefs, btw.
    Those who Fall will find their Heaven
    and will always be adored.

    In Plaudo Atri Matris!

  3. #33
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    Since you are talking about satanic cults be sure not everything is what it seems. The original concept of Lucifer was / is that He is the same spirit as The Great Dragon (Devil / Satan / Apollyon / Ancient Serpent etc.) of the Apocalypse. This because in the Apocalypse says that the Great Dragon was cast down to earth and His ANGELS were cast down with Him. It doesn't say "Demons" or "Devils"... In the first chapter (I think) of the Apocalypse from the other side the God Himself says that Lucifer is not only the first Angel... He was not only the most beautiful angel (as Issaiah says)... He was also created the STRONGEST and the BRIGHTEST of every other angel. Why does the Apocalypse mention this since it was already mentioned in Issaiah's book? I guess because John wanted us to understand that this strong and WISE angel could not just say "I WILL BE BETTER THAN GOD!!!" and when God casts Him down to earth He does nothing for revenge or to complete his goal in becoming the ruler of the universe.

    It's obvious that He was not just a rebel who wanted freedom. He didn't want freedom He wanted more power. This is obvious.

    Note: I've already said that I respect both God and Lucifer (though I am considered as an enemy by Him) and I just choose to follow God.

    Note 2: After a little research I watched a midnight Greek TV broadcast in which a Christian (I think) occultist talked about the "Bible of the Satanists". Of course when we say Satanists we are speaking about Diabolists. So he also mentioned that this book has almost the same age as the Apocalypse meaning it's a 2000 (about) year old book. He also mentioned that it was written by a Roman (I think) that Diabolists believe he is now a demon. He finally mentioned that this book completes the story about the beasts and the Great Dragon of Revelation. It's something like... The testament of the Archangel of Evil... Of course the name of the book was not in English or in Greek so I can't remember it.

    Note 2: I know I didn't explain things so well. Hope next time I'll do better...
    Last edited by Kain; 08-12-2010 at 08:35 AM.

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