When has Satanism had anything to do with the unification of duality?
Satanism if anything would recognize that duality and seek to strike a sort of balance with those polarities but the destruction of those polarities is typically not a satanic ideal. A lot of satanic ideals are actually very original, some of which (mainly the ritual and fleshly aspects... and some of the metaphysical/occult aspects) are different but the philosophy and antinomian aspects of satanism are drastically different from original paganism.
Paganism is all about going and becoming in tune with nature. So how is a religion which is antinomian something that is in tune with nature? Nature is order and follows laws by it's own virtue and so one who is lawless surely has nothing to do with Nature. Satanism of all kinds focuses on the self, even theistic satanism which focuses on self-empowerment through the dark forces they work with. It should also be kept in mind that the deities which most resemble the Adversary like Hades in Greece and various others were worshipped in secret/solitary at worse and as a mystery religion at best. If you want to call the worship of such entities ''satanism'' then go right ahead but even they didn't really have an established order.... and why would they if everyone is different and everyone's Will is different? The only public worship that resembles The Adversary is Kali and Shiva and their worship is still controversial. Look at the Aghori.
The oldest record of Satanism was in the 1600s in Germany. That was when the recorded ''black mass'' happened. The worship of Baphomet was not necessarily the worship of Satan but Baphomet is considered Satan in some aspects (more like the unification of Satan and Lilith... the Adversarial force in all its' glory) and was worshipped by the knights templar who didn't agree with the crusades. The church said they were worshipping satan and killed them. This was considered the oldest aspect of satanism but since it was not recorded, it has not been actually considered the beginning of Satanism.
This is from ''The Origin of Satan'' but really you can look it up anywhere online. Just research Baphomet.
I never said btw that you said that, Goth-Queen. I said that simply because people are claiming that satanism is this age old religion when it is at least 400 years old. Sure, as a force or similar entity known by other religions he could be considered worshipped since the dawn of human kind... but Satanism as a religion is not. The only valid religion that has the same ideals as Satanism was that of the Yatuk - Dinoh, or the worship of Ahriman.
Last edited by devakxes; 07-03-2010 at 06:52 AM.
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