Greetings All
Just a question of wondering - Chumbley - trad Witch or something completely different?
I have been slowly making my way through a copy of Azoetia, which is a tad hard going as it seems (at least to me) to be a combination of Spare-influenced workings, almost with a twist of Kenneth Grant as opposed to other alleged "trad" Craft that I have come across.
Then according to Wikipedia, Chumbley was apparently a member of "Peter Carroll's Illuminates of Thanateros and his earlier articles were published in the chaos magic journal Chaos International".
Andrew D. Chumbley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not that I personally mind
A few years ago I did design a ritual based on some of his initial workings in the Azoetia and the results were very "primal" shall I say - along the lines I have experienced some Cochrane influenced workings ... but the overall feel of Azoetia to me does appear to be an interesting mix.
So just wondering if anyone here has read/worked with Chumbley's material and what do they think .. trad Craft or more Chaos influenced magick?
BB - Soror V