things of that nature sure they could work, but I prefer natural methods, such as plants and sleeping with crystals,
I personally would find a small piece of quartz, a piece of wood, or a rock to carve the rune on, and put these all ina satchel of herbs and put this under the pillow
if he ever believed the gun was real as a child that could help or if it was a real firing gun, but as it is only a toy, he never felt powerful with it.
nature can soothe dreams.
melatonin is nice, gives you vivid intense weird dreams,
what are some good sleeping/dream plants?
there is an african dream fish that people eat or smoke to have dreaming visions/lucid powers, as well as a few shamanistic plants for this, as well as differant plants that help dreams and to get to sleep
I have seen a thousand thousand civilizations rise and fall upon the Mother of All Things. As pipes play, echoing off the mountains and across the Ocean, until it fades at the edge of time, the end of All... - book of the gate called pan