Cursing an enemy! Cursing an enemy!
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Thread: Cursing an enemy!

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    Default Cursing an enemy!

    Ok so heres is the strory this guy that is way bigger than me is wanting to fight me im not a very big person and i have been passive for most of my life i hate fighting the reason he wants to fight is beacuse his girl broke up with him because he would abuse her and treat her like **** but know he is obbssed to the point he follows her and sits outside her house and wait for her to get home he tried to start stuff with me the other day but i ignored him best i could he has threatend to try and have me jumped and a bunch of other stuff but i was seriously considering taking a knife to school and if he tried something i planned on ending it but as you can imagine i really do not want to do this because i will be in loads of trouble. I have been involved in the occult for sometime now and i know about curses but not enough to perform one so i figured this would be a better alternative than seriously hurting him but i do not know a curse to perform or how it should be done any help would be great please im desperate this is a major problem for me right now.
    When the devil cries in agony who then comes to his aid?

  2. #2
    Deacan Lionsbane Guest


    Firstly, I wouldn't risk taking any blade into school due to the repurcussions to which can come about if you are caught, there is also, what if the blade is taken off you and used against you? - so please be careful.

    Now, for a Curse, it does so depend on what effects you would want to achieve, would injury, disease or a weakness of the mind/body be what you were looking for?

    Also, would you be able to protect yourself should the curse backfire or if it did its job but came back upon you (This is not Karma btw)
    To use a curse accuratly, I would recomend being protected against the curse you use and then a bit more, just incase.

    Another thing to keep in mind would be How do you want to do it? Runes, Ritual etc, these will then narrow down your options as i am sure you are aware.

    Though there are some on the internet, I find that these curses are just Pussy Curses, weak arsed and useless, i'd search some Grimoires or texts (you can find some on the internet, try the Occult Underground?) for advice and curses, you can then take one of these and adapt it to your own needs and so forth.

    Though, I do stress, protect yourself against it, just incase!

    Thanks and good luck.

    If all else fails, a bit of 2x4 over his skull might work

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    I do not believe the situation has escalated enough for a curse. When I was taught how to curse someone, the astral being that taught me would first curse me with the curse before I would be taught it. And the lesson was to use these as a last resort.
    The next step would be physical means, such as a restraining order. Most people wont push an issue further when one is issued, and if they do even fewer will keep pushing once the cops tell them to back off.

  4. #4
    Deacan Lionsbane Guest


    Wolf, your point is more than valid I must admit.

    The restraining order 'may' work in theory, however, not in practice as it will not physically stop the guy and the damage may yet be done even if one is carried out against this guy and if it does stop him, it will not possibly stop his goons/friends/whatever they wanna be called.

    Though if a curse is to be used, then I would stress the utmost of caution and suggest something for making bad choices/bad luck or along those 'subtle' lines to which he, himself, will do the damage, you just give him that little 'push' in the direction.

    I'd also suggest weighing up your options and think about this logically. Wolf has the right idea.

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    Thank you so much for the post both of you Deacan Lionsbane i am planning on doing ritual style cursing and taking many precautions if the spell were to back fire and the two by four thing kinda made my day lol. And to wolf i know the restraining order thing will not work with this guy he doesnt know when to quite and he has already talked a bunch of his friends into jumping me which frankly is sad considering im only 5"9 and there all over 6 foot and ae kinda redneck built so i have really been palnning to curse him.
    When the devil cries in agony who then comes to his aid?

  6. #6
    Deacan Lionsbane Guest


    Im sure I speak for Wolf too when I say im glad we could help.

    However, still take precautions against his redneck mates, inform someone of thier intentions to just help your case.

    Good luck my friend and please, let me know how it goes

  7. #7
    Vir Sapiens Guest


    Cursing is usually a bad idea regardless of the circumstances. It's messy and temperamental and likely to have consequences you cannot foresee. you say you have been a life long pacifist. I doubt you have the chops to make a curse actually function. If you do not have the will to inflict serious injury upon this person then you do not have the will to curse them and any attempt to do so will likely fail miserably. Your heart has to be hard and you have to want to hurt this person, not stop, not hinder but hurt. If you eschew physical violence then how can you hope to wield and control magical violence, which is what a curse is. You couldn't curse him anymore than you could stab him even if you are afraid for your life.

    Passive people just aren't cut out for confrontation either physical or magical. Your best bet is to figure out a way to avoid the confrontation since you have little chance of coming out on top. Firstly he obviously fears you for some reason. I was an idiot teenager once, a big scary idiot teenager, and frankly if I had ever felt like picking on someone your size I would have just done it. I wouldn't have involved my friends because you're not a threat. There is an X factor you aren't mentioning here. Whatever it is you should exploit that to avoid the conflict and hope he grows bored of it.

    Please don't be insulted by what I've written here. I have had a chance to observe passive people in combat situations. They might do fine in the training. They might be the loudest most aggressive person on the training field while they are learning to kill but, when it comes down to actually harming another human being they can't do it. It's not in their nature just as I suspect it is not in your nature to harm anyone. It's not something to be ashamed of but, it is important to recognize that aspect of yourself so you don't go doing something foolish and ineffective, like trying to curse anyone.

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    I too will further that you need to really think this thing through. Especially if you are a pacifist. A curse causes pain, stress, anguish, and torment to the victim and sometimes the caster. It's anti-climatic to the pacifist to wish that another being will be sick to the point of being bedridden, puking their guts up, tormented with nightmares that cannot be distinguished from reality, crippling pain, or bouts of insanity and maddness. Do not be insulted though, if everyone was a pacifist, there would be no need for violence. It's actually a good thing to be a pacifist. But it takes a cold, emotionless, apathetic and hardened heart to effectively curse someone.
    Most people will obey an authority figure, especially when that authority figure can throw their ass in jail. I suggest you look up the Millgram study. It's frightening how far people will obey authority.
    Bullies especially will usually back down if thier is a sign of confrontation. They prey upon those they percieve as weaker than themselves.
    For your own consious and karma, you really need to think this through. It is very possible to resolve such issues with other means, and IMHO, they should be exhausted before a curse is used.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vir Sapiens View Post
    Cursing is usually a bad idea regardless of the circumstances. It's messy and temperamental and likely to have consequences you cannot foresee. you say you have been a life long pacifist. I doubt you have the chops to make a curse actually function. If you do not have the will to inflict serious injury upon this person then you do not have the will to curse them and any attempt to do so will likely fail miserably. Your heart has to be hard and you have to want to hurt this person, not stop, not hinder but hurt. If you eschew physical violence then how can you hope to wield and control magical violence, which is what a curse is. You couldn't curse him anymore than you could stab him even if you are afraid for your life.

    Passive people just aren't cut out for confrontation either physical or magical. Your best bet is to figure out a way to avoid the confrontation since you have little chance of coming out on top. Firstly he obviously fears you for some reason. I was an idiot teenager once, a big scary idiot teenager, and frankly if I had ever felt like picking on someone your size I would have just done it. I wouldn't have involved my friends because you're not a threat. There is an X factor you aren't mentioning here. Whatever it is you should exploit that to avoid the conflict and hope he grows bored of it.

    Please don't be insulted by what I've written here. I have had a chance to observe passive people in combat situations. They might do fine in the training. They might be the loudest most aggressive person on the training field while they are learning to kill but, when it comes down to actually harming another human being they can't do it. It's not in their nature just as I suspect it is not in your nature to harm anyone. It's not something to be ashamed of but, it is important to recognize that aspect of yourself so you don't go doing something foolish and ineffective, like trying to curse anyone.

    No you have not offended me i think you for the post you are right in what you have written and i might have to try just keep ignoring him and going to the office to alert the principle. Your probably right cursing is a bad idea for me i am very empathetic. And to Deacan thank you i will let you know how all this turns out i appreciate your alls help and insight to the matter.
    When the devil cries in agony who then comes to his aid?

  10. #10
    Vir Sapiens Guest


    Just keep in mind that you do have skillsets that will help you out. Your awareness should be a cut above average if you've been seriously studying the occult. You have the ability to avoid him quite effectively so long as you pay attention to your surroundings. Remember high school doesn't matter. Keep the principal on his ass. Who cares what anyone else thinks about that. Stay safe, graduate, study hard and make him work overtime when you're his boss.

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